Baby Signing Time Music CDs

Babies love music!

It's a rare drive in the car with my baby that I'm not playing a CD from Signing Time! My baby loves Baby Signing Time Songs (Ok, I admit, I love them, too) and it's a wonderful way to keep her entertained in the car. Baby Signing Time is without question the best baby sign language videos!

Rachel Coleman's lyrics capture the magic of everyday life through a child's eyes. From bouncy dance beats to swaying lullabies, Baby Signing Time Songs will have you and your child singing and signing together all day long. Perfect for car trips, or for any time you want to practice your signs together. We bet you'll catch yourself singing these catchy songs over and over again!

The Baby Signing Time Volume 1 Music CD contains all of the songs from the Volume 1 DVD, including:

Retail Price: $9.99 Steal Price: $4.89!

The Baby Signing Time Volume 2 Music CD contains all of the songs from the Volume 2 DVD, including:

Retail Price: $9.99 Steal Price: $4.89!

Get them today at the Steal Price! Your baby will be happy you did.