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Warning- this website may lead to Pregnancy!

If you're not already pregnant or a brand new mama, beware! So many of my friends and many of you are emailing, "Your website makes me want to have another baby SO bad!" I feel a new tagline coming on... "BabySteals.com, overpopulating the world one baby at a time!" I'm sitting here looking at these Aden + Anais swaddling blankets and I want them for myself badly, but my daughter is TWO! Tonight Emily and I are debating. We don’t need them, our babies have outgrown them, but shouldn’t we have a few just in case?


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Blogger Mom of Sweet Baby Feet Says:

Ok ladies, I'm with you. My daughter is 6 months and just outgrew swaddling but what if (and that is a very big if) I have another? I need to have some stored JUST IN CASE! :o)

I missed the steal today due to running errands but I've made a mental note...Must Get Aden and Anais Swaddling Blankets. :o)


Anonymous Isabella's Mommy Says:

I completely agree! My daughter is almost 1 year old, but I was sooooo tempted to buy these today. She was born in July, in Florida and while she loved being swaddled, she couldn't stand being swaddled in a flannel blanket. Now I keep thinking, but I'll need these with the next baby...:).


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