
Order FAQ

Due to the volume of emails we receive, please review these frequently asked questions and the Google Checkout buyer help before emailing us with your question.

I placed two orders, can you combine them to save on shipping?
We are not able to combine orders that are already placed. In the future, if your order is under 15 minutes old, you can place an order the way you want it and cancel the first. We are not able to edit your order in any way.

I have added the item to my cart but I can’t seem to find where to move forward to purchase.
Can you see the blue Google Checkout button inside the shopping cart at the top right of the page? If not, you are probably behind a firewall at work where Google Checkout has been blocked by your administrator.  If you’re not at work, switching browsers from Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox usually fixes the problem.

I am trying to find how to add an item to my cart to purchase it. Help!
Can you see the “Steal Me” Add to cart buttons on the right side of the page? If not, it is likely that our site is jammed and has too many visitors at once. Refreshing your browser in a few minutes normally fixes the issue.

I am filling out my credit card information in Google Checkout and can’t seem to find where to click to proceed with the order.
Please try using a different browser. This is fairly uncommon but can happen, and switching from IE (Internet Explorer) to Mozilla Firefox or vice versa seems to solve the problem.

I finished my order but now want to change sizes. Can you change it for me?
We are not able to change your order in any way on our side. Please re-do your order correctly and then cancel your initial order. If it is after the 15 minute cancellation window, you may email us once your second order is placed and we can cancel the first order for you.

I placed an order and just remembered I have an old shipping address in Google Checkout. Can you change the address?
Before you complete your orders, please confirm that your address information in Google Checkout is updated and correct. This will ensure you don’t get double charged for mailing to an incorrect address that was provided to us.

How do I cancel my order?
We allow cancellations within the first fifteen minutes after placing an order. Check your account for a Cancel your order button:

  1. Sign in to your account at https://checkout.google.com.
  2. Click View Order for the order you'd like to cancel.
  3. Click the Cancel your order button in the grey box.
  4. Confirm your cancellation by clicking OK.
Remember, because of the STEAL price and speed of shopping on our website, it is different than traditional online shopping. There's not much time to change your mind so consider that when purchasing because if the 15 minute cancellation window has passed, we can't cancel the order.

I received an email that my payment declined. Will I still get my order?
In short, no. If your payment is declined, you will receive an email from BabySteals confirming that your card was unable to process, and that your order was canceled. Google Checkout will send you an email stating you have seven days to fix the card- unfortunately, we work so quickly around here, that we just can't wait that long. Any products in your declined order will no longer be held. The items will go back into inventory. You are more than welcome to head back over to the BabySteals page, and reorder with a new card.

Additional FAQ’s are located here.

If your question is still not answered and you need to email us with ordering issues, please provide the following information so we can help you faster:

-Exactly what issue you are experiencing
-Name of the Internet Browser you are using
-Whether or not you are at work (many firewalls block online shopping)

Email us:










The "Steal of the Day" is all that's up for grabs. All photos, logos, words and ideas are intellectual property actively protected under trademark and copyright.