
Free Local Pickup - Murray, Utah

Located at the BabySteals.com Offices
4843 South 500 West Suite B, Murray UT 84123
Hours: Monday through Friday 10am - 5pm

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Here's how it works:

  1. Buy whatever you want, whenever you want! And don't pay shipping.
  2. Upon checkout, select "Free local pickup in Murray, Utah" so you don't get charged shipping.
  3. After you receive your Confirmation from Google that "Your item has been shipped", head to our offices any M-F 10am - 5pm to pick up your steals! Please pick up your orders within 2 weeks of purchasing.
  4. Please do not arrive outside of specified hours to pickup your items.
  5. Before you go check out the handy dandy street view in Google Maps.
  6. Yes, your friend, sister, neighbor or husband can pick up your steals, as long as they have your name and the item(s) you ordered, you're good to go!
  7. Please, pick up your purchases no later two weeks after ordering. If you are not able to do so, please opt for shipping when placing your orders.
  8. Come ready to shop! We have lots of steals there you can purchase!


Jealous? Reading this from another city and want local pickup too? Easy. Keep sharing with your friends, and we'll notice. Because the most popular cities WILL get rewarded!