Creative ways to announce your pregnancy

Facebook? MySpace? PA announcement at work?

Just for fun, tell us how you announced your pregnancy!

47 Responses to “Creative ways to announce your pregnancy”

Michelle May 18th, 2009 at 9:25 am - #4920

I took a picture of the EPT test on my cell phone and texted it to DH!

Lauren May 18th, 2009 at 9:32 am - #4921

For my first we got a frame that said grandchild around it and placed something that said “Due June 13th 2007″ in the picture place. We gave one to each of our parents to unwrap.

For the second we dressed our first child in a onsie that said big brother in training and waited for someone to notice!

danica May 18th, 2009 at 9:34 am - #4922

I did it on a cake!! Actually, there’s video and a blog entry; Observe:

At last minute, we sang happy birthday to my step father because I had the cake made and didn’t know how to present it to my parents, but yah, as you can see, there is a picture of my pug on the cake with a pregnancy test…My step father didn’t quite get it at first glance. Here’s a picture of the picture on the cake for clarity!

Caitlin May 18th, 2009 at 9:41 am - #4923

We had a little photo shoot done and in one of them we had a sign that said “Baby Domanico due April 10″. We had a small album and would say, “Hey, wanna see the pictures from our session with Ericha?” (I’m a photographer and frequently swap sessions with other friends/photogs)

Jen May 18th, 2009 at 9:52 am - #4924

We took a picture of us in NYC, and at the bottom put:

Trip to Ellis Island: $12
Dinner out at exclusive restaurant: $200
New scarf she just “had to have” $50
Knowing there is really THREE people in this photo: PRICELESS

We framed it and set it on our table, and invited family over for Easter dinner. It was fun to see who would find it first and actually GET it!

Ashlyn May 18th, 2009 at 9:58 am - #4925

My husband works in film, and he took one of the movies he was currently making and changed the ending of one of the scenes and had one of the characters say “By the way, Ashlyn’s pregnant!” My husband showed the scene to our families as if he were asking how it looked… and then they were surprised at the end!

Recently, one of my sister-in-laws made personalized stamps with her ultrasound photo. Then she sent out postcards using the stamps, and the ‘letter’ side said “flip over for some great news!” - then you had to search for it, as the stamp was the announcement.

Our family is preeetty clever when comes to announcing pregnancies.

joy May 18th, 2009 at 10:00 am - #4926

we invited both sides of the family to get together for a father’s day brunch last year. we got a cake to celebrate, but instead of having just our 2 dad’s names on it, we added a third name - the new father to be. we waited until people started noticing and then made our big announcement :)

Whitney May 18th, 2009 at 10:14 am - #4927

We went to the birthday party of my best friend’s son. She had a party favor for the baby. Everyone just looked at the favor, looked at us, and then screamed in excitement. It was great!

Danika May 18th, 2009 at 10:21 am - #4928

We REALLY did a PA announcement! I called my husband’s boss and asked him to call my husband over the PA system but instead of saying “father of three” to call “Dave, father of FOUR, Dave, father of FOUR please report to the front desk” and I was there with the kids and a balloon for each kid! Needless to say he was surprised!

Jody May 18th, 2009 at 11:00 am - #4929

We purchased a fetal doppler to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. We were able to record it onto our computer and then upload the audio file onto our blog. We posted the sound of the heartbeat with a sentence that only said: “Any guesses as to what this is?” People loved it!

Tanja May 18th, 2009 at 1:30 pm - #4930

We found a card that listed a bunch of random things to be thankful for and added in there “Being Pregnant” and where you would normally sign your name wrote the due date.

Megan H. May 18th, 2009 at 3:00 pm - #4931

No one even knew I was pregnant with my third baby, I carried high and didn’t gain any weight. I finally broke down and bought a shirt with ‘Babies Happen’ written across the front a month before she was due. Then people started asking me and were really shocked when I had her 2 weeks later.

Jamie May 18th, 2009 at 3:51 pm - #4932

We got our positive pregnancy test on the 24th of October. I ordered a shirt that I designed myself with a baby mummy on it. It said “Mummy to Be” and had my due date. I wore the shirt on Halloween with a zipped hoodie over the top. When my family was all together, I asked if they wanted to see my Halloween costume. I unzipped my hoodie and showed them my shirt.

One of my sisters just had her baby, the other sister was due last Thursday, and I’m due the first of July. So, my parents were thrilled and very overwhelmed. :)

Jennifer T May 18th, 2009 at 6:02 pm - #4933

With the first one we made calendars with pictures of husband and I. Then the month we were due we wrote “Insert baby picture here”. Gave them as presents on Mother’s day 05 to our Mothers. They were surprised.
The second one we had our frist child wear a T-shirt that said “Shhhh I have a secret” on the front. On the back read “I am going to be a BIG BROTHER” and let him run around until someone noticed his shirt, at which point he was tackled to be still. HAHAHA. Again both sets of Grandparents very surprised.

Laura May 18th, 2009 at 6:41 pm - #4934

We found “I Love My Grandma” and “I Love My Grandpa” bibs and put them in gift bags for our parents. Their expressions were priceless when they opened them! Then my mom turned around and gave me “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” in the same gift bag about 5 minutes later; she had been saving it for the special day!

Elizabeth May 18th, 2009 at 6:45 pm - #4935

We had just gone on a vacation to Chicago and made a slideshow of the photos to show all our parents. For the last slide I put the scanned ultrasound with “Baby on Board!” as the caption. They sat through all our boring photos but then were overjoyed at the ending! :)

Jordan May 18th, 2009 at 6:51 pm - #4936

With the first pregnancy we wrapped up a pacifier to give to each of our parents. It took a while before they figured it out.

With the second we put on serious faces and said, “We weren’t sure how to tell you, but we had a trip to the hospital this week.” When they asked why we said, “To see the baby!”

Cyndi B May 18th, 2009 at 6:52 pm - #4937

How we told our parents. I made a puzzle that had our picture on it and said the word “Baby” and “Expecting” and “Aug 2009.” Then on Christmas eve we always have a fun party with lots of games so I said that I had another fun game and brought the puzzle out for my parents to put together. It was so fun to watch my parent try and put it together and figure it out. (My husbands parents did it too…it was wrapped like a Christmas present so they opened it that day and called us).

Also for my sisters I sent them part of an Eggo Waffle box and wrote on it “Leggo my Eggo” and on the other side wrote “We’re PREGGO”

Check out my blog for pictures!

Lindsay May 18th, 2009 at 7:00 pm - #4938

My husband and I live far from all of our families. We wanted to do more than just call them up and tell them we were pregnant so we told them we had a funny video to show them over e-mail. We called them when we sent the “video” saying that we wanted to hear their reaction to it. Only it wasn’t a video…it was a picture of our positive pregnancy test! It was pretty hilarious to hear the confusion as they opened the “video” only to find a random picture, then the silence as they processed what it was, then the screams of excitement!

Jess Bowman May 18th, 2009 at 7:17 pm - #4939

I made a small scrapbook of my two kids, Emma and Wesley. The last page said, “Guess what?”… Then the last page said, “MOMMY is PREGNANT!” It was great! You should have seen all the suprised faces!

Megan V. May 18th, 2009 at 8:00 pm - #4940

I made my son a shirt that said - “I’m going to be a big brother”. Did a little photo shoot with him and made cards at Walmart with his photo and they said, “Our new addition - coming January 2009″ I sent them to all our close family and friends. It was adorable!

Erin Olson May 18th, 2009 at 8:03 pm - #4941

I found out the day before my Bachelorette Party. So when we were on the bus, I played a little pictionary with everyone. One person guessed it and everyone cheered! Then I didn’t have to worry about people buying me drinks and wondering why I wasn’t drinking them. I still had a blast!

Sarah May 18th, 2009 at 8:15 pm - #4942

We took our ultrasound pictures and framed them to give to the grandparents. It was very surprising for them and very emotional. Lots of happy tears.

Jenny May 18th, 2009 at 8:17 pm - #4943

I wrote “Baby” on my tummy with eyeliner, went and woke up my husband and showed him my belly. = )

Sara A May 18th, 2009 at 8:19 pm - #4944

We told each of our families differently. My family we told at Christmas. We usually do a posed family pic using the camera timer. We took two, and said they didn’t turn out, and we needed to try again. Then, while waiting for the pic to snap, hubby announced we were pregnant. We got all those great reactions on film.

Hubby’s family lives far away, so we told them (first) by phone. We’d just bought our first house, and hubby created this elaborate story about how we needed to replace the windows, and were thinking about getting a bay window for the living room. We were going to have three options… bay window A was very ornate and flowery, bay window B had a simple pattern that matched our personality, and bay window C was cool, but completely out of our price range. So we told them we think we’ll just go ahead and have a Bay B (baby). His mom got it right away, his father in law took a while longer. When we called his sister, we had to repeat it lots of times before she finally got it and started screaming. Fun!

abi May 18th, 2009 at 8:21 pm - #4945

My family goes on a trip together every year around the holidays. I talked them into doing Napa in 07 and set up tours and made reservations at several wineries. At the first one, I told everyone that because we were such a large group, we were all going to have to wear name tags, and handed them out. Everyone looked a little confused at their “grandpa/grandma/uncle” name tags, and they finally got it when my hubby and I put on our Mama and Daddy name tags. They were so excited, and I didn’t have to lie about not drinking for the rest of the day. My dad still has his grandpa name tag in his wallet. : )

Krystal May 18th, 2009 at 9:02 pm - #4946

We had three cats at the time, and they were our babies. I ironed on, “Mom’s Knocked Up”, “I Was the Baby First”, and “I’m Gonna Be a Big Brother… What’s That?” on three little baby tees and put them on the cats. DH saw them when he got home from work, and put it all together. So fun!

Erin May 19th, 2009 at 7:42 am - #4947

I counted down on New Years and told my husband when we announced “Happy New Year!”

Kris May 19th, 2009 at 9:06 am - #4948

I work away from the office, so other than my boss, the office found out when I stepped off the the plane and went to a meeting,obviously preggers. My family, who also lives away found out ina similar fashion…a flight home to spread the news.

Amy K May 19th, 2009 at 9:16 am - #4949

So this isn’t mine. . .but it was too cute.

My aunt and uncle had gone on a European vacation and when they came back and were handing out gifts, they gave my grandparents a picture frame with a little stick person drawn inside and the phrase “Baby Johnson, Made in Sweden” written around it. The little frame is still displayed and ‘baby Johnson’ is now 13.

My sister announced hers at Thanksgiving; our family always swaps Christmas wish lists at this time and she pulled out her list and everyone crowded around reading it. . .and then got to the end where it said ‘Baby stuff for the baby due in July!’ (She ended up having the baby on my Grandma’s birthday, Grandma was thrilled to share her birthday with her first great-grandchild.

Jenny May 19th, 2009 at 9:38 am - #4950

We made a special Christmas card for the grandparents, which we handed out just like any other gift. We used pictures of our daughter, and wrote on the inside - Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandpa, I’m going to be a big sister! The grandparents LOVED it - and got to share with everyone present. For the rest of our friends and family, I posted my status in facebook as “expecting a baby at the end of June”, and sent out a mass email (works great for friends across the country and overseas!).

Aja May 19th, 2009 at 12:38 pm - #4951

I put the pregnancy tests in a jewelry gift box and attached a neat poem:

I do not have a face to see,
Or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss.
I don’t yet have a name.

You can’t yet hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It’s still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.

But all will change come August;
That’s when Mom say’s I’m due.
I am your new son or daughter;
And I can’t wait to meet you!

All I ask between now and then
Is your patience while I grow.
I promise I’ll be worth the wait;
Because of all the love we’ll know!

So what I have to give you now,
Is a wish to you from me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family!

Lyn May 19th, 2009 at 2:12 pm - #4952

had family over for dinner…pulled a patriots cheerleader onesie out of a bag slowly…everyone thought it was a boy at first when they saw the logo…then a little skirt followed!

jill May 19th, 2009 at 2:35 pm - #4953

I asked my husband, “how many lines does this look like to you?” hehe!

Rachel May 19th, 2009 at 6:06 pm - #4955

We found out right before Christmas, so we bought little storybooks titled “That’s What Grandmas and Grandpas Are For” and wrapped them up and gave them as gifts. My parents jaws about dropped the the floor and my sisters started screaming. My mother-in-law didn’t get it at first because she already had a granddaughter, but after a minute it finally sunk in :)

Dana Eynon May 19th, 2009 at 11:36 pm - #4956

After tring for our third for a long time with out success and giving up, we became pg. I suggested he bring home chiness take out that night and I cooked homemade fortune cookies, the fortune read….”There is a new baby in your future and the due date”. It was the longest dinner of my life and he was completely suprised. It was great.

Brooke May 20th, 2009 at 9:12 am - #4957

I give scrapbook pages to my mom and mother-in-law for gifts and for Christmas I gave them a new book with a lot of pages and the last one was a page that was titled excited new grandparents and had a spot for their picture. As they looked through the book and saw the page I took their picture and later put that picture in the spot on the page. They were very surprised.

Jaclynn May 20th, 2009 at 9:13 am - #4958

The doctor told us all looked good on Christmas Eve so we made Christmas cards that looked like and oven and put a picture of a bun inside them and just signed them and gave them to all our parents. It was pretty funny…one called an hour later to see what it meant, one just looked at it and opened the present because he didn’t think it was really what it was, and the other looked at it and passed it around the room showing everyone what we had given her.

Andria Sheridan May 20th, 2009 at 5:26 pm - #4959

With Baby #2 I made a t-shirt that said, I love my baby brother on it. We took a picture of our son in the t-shirt with a huge grin on his face. We framed the picture and wrapped them up and put them under the Christmas tree for all our family members to open on Christmas morning.

Makenya’s Mummie May 21st, 2009 at 8:36 am - #4960

I created a Birth Anouncement stating “We’re Pregnant” and placed it in a UPS envelope along with the pregnancy test. I then placed the envelope on the front step of our house. Needless to stay my hubby was quite surprised when he found it.

WarriorWife May 21st, 2009 at 9:20 am - #4961

We bought a bunch of Martinelli’s sparkling cider and made surprise visits to friends/family. We’d pull out the cider bottle and when they looked confused, we’d announce “we’re expecting!”

mom2twins May 21st, 2009 at 10:09 am - #4962

We had tried for a long time. I was on the phone with a friend who convinced me to go get a test. I did and went back to work and took it. I saw the two lines and immediately burst in to tears. I called my husband and my doctor from the bathroom stall. As soon as I left the bathroom, (thanks to being in cubicles) everyone put two and two together….me in tears plus laughter heading to the doctor office.

katherine May 21st, 2009 at 10:53 am - #4963

We had dinner with the family & casually told them while we were eating that our little family of 2 is expanding to include a 3rd member :)

Laura May 21st, 2009 at 12:01 pm - #4964

We had cookies made and in frosting we had the bakers write, “Due July 5″ and “mom to be” and “dad to be” then brought a plate of those cookies to all 3 family thanksgivings! :)

Aimee May 22nd, 2009 at 4:14 am - #4966

My husband wasn’t with me when I took the first test so I decided to surprise him when he came home. I wrote “I’m going to be a big brother” on a piece of paper, folded it, and kept it put away for when he came home that night.

He came home and I acted completely normal…I waited till he had his back turned and called our 21 month old son over. I gave him the paper and told him to take it to daddy. It was so funny how he handed it off. haha :)

My husband read it aloud and looked at me confused for a moment, before it finally hit him. :)

Michelle Henry May 22nd, 2009 at 8:58 am - #4967

We were hosting Christmas that year so we hung the pregnancy test on our Christmas Tree and placed a few baby items under it..and then waited, and waited, and waited until FINALLY someone noticed.

Sunny Choi May 25th, 2009 at 3:20 pm - #4970

We made a year in review slide show for our daughter’s 1 year party. At the end, we made a final slide “Coming Soon this Fall, Baby #2!”
It was appropriate since all of our friends and family were together.

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