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July 2008
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Archive for July, 2008

Ju-Ju-Be Winner

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

Congrats to….


our lucky randomly chosen winner.

She shared BabySteals with:


Thanks! Check your email, we need your address.


BabySteals.com in the news!

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
Today has been a very exciting day at BabySteals.com. WFSB in Connecticut ran a story on us today! To watch the video, click here:

Also, check out the producer’s blog, Jamie is a great customer. Thanks Jamie!

Last but not least, we turned 3 months old today! It’s amazing how fast those babies grow, isn’t it ;)

Who wants a Ju-Ju-Be?!

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
UPDATE: contest is now closed

The new BeLight from Ju-Ju-Be lives up to it’s name. I recently bought a new diaper bag and was so disappointed when I found out how heavy it was empty! After shoving all the baby needs in, the bag weighed more than the baby.

The BeLight is the lightest diaper bag on the market, even better it’s reversible! Long or short straps, two large pockets in front, lightweight changing pad, and crumb drains! Are you kidding me, who doesn’t need that?!

Want one? How about this little lightweight cutie?

Hurry up, contest ends Thursday July 31st at 9am MST, winner announced Thursday July 31st at 5pm MST.




Monday, July 28th, 2008

I am out of town visiting my sister and my youngest has been especially grouchy lately. So much so I noticed and so have my nieces and nephews. Overhead several times this week.

Does the baby cry everyday?
Do you think today will be the day he doesn’t cry?
I haven’t heard the baby laugh once today.
Do you think he’s going to cry again? I know he is.

Best quote, from my 7 year old nephew while his mom plays Guitar Hero: “Mom, you just don’t rock.”
Best quote, from my 7 year old niece while watching a Subway commercial: “I can get whatever I want at Subway? I’m getting spaghetti!”
Quote from my 3 year old every thirty seconds: “Stop looking at me!”

I bet they can’t wait for us to leave. :)
