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October 2008
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Archive for October, 2008

Puddle Jumpers!

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Extras! Just a few, and I mean a few. Get ‘em fast. Since quantities are insanely low, your order is not confirmed until you receive a shipping notice.

Click to buy
– Sold Out!


Hey Canucks!

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

We’re sorry we’ve been such hosers. We’ve had a kerfuffle of requests for shipping to Canada and we’re finally on top of it. We launched it slowly and things are going well so it’s time to invite you all to the BabySteals.com party!

Just select USPS International when you checkout! It’s your turn to save a loonie!*

disclaimer: We are Canada newbies and borrowed all the fancy terms above from various “Canadianisms” on the internet. We hope we didn’t just tell you to rob a bank or punch your neighbor.


Psi Bands

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

There are several reasons I wish I was pregnant right now (the most intriguing being all the baby steals I want for myself!) but there is just one reason I’m glad I am not. The nausea. Seriously, anyone else feel the same way?

There was one ‘cure’ I never used, acupuncture. Primarily because once I was sick, I didn’t care about anything especially not letting someone poke me with scary tall needles. I saw that 80′s horror movie, pinhead guy, no thanks!

Today I wish I was pregnant because of these lovely Psi Bands. A cure for nausea doesn’t get any easier.

Psi bands has given us a lovely little coupon code for their bands: Exclusively for babysteals.com readers, $1 off a set of Psi Bands when purchased on amazon.com for today only (10/29). Claim code: BABYIO29. Qualify for free shipping if you buy 2 pair!

Learn more about Psi Bands here.


Bumble Bags Winner!

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Congrats to our Bumble Bags winner, Teal C.

These bags are beautiful. I am due with a baby girl on Christmas Day and I’ve been trying to find a diaper bag that will be perfect for two kids. I love that it has stroller straps and that it is machine washable. My current diaper bag is not washable and it is a pain to wipe it clean. I also love that it has insulated pockets for bottles and the changing pad that is connected is awesome. My heart seriously skipped a beat when I saw the pictures, what a beautiful bag!
Teal C. | 10.27.08 – 12:25 pm

Here is your bag Teal, check your email we need your address!

Sad you didn’t win? No worries, you can still buy your very own Bumble Bag here, at the BabySteals price!
