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TodaysMama Handbooks

So, who needs to get out of the house?! Out of ideas? TodaysMama can help.

TodaysMama Handbooks cover what, where and how to be the best Mama in town! They've collected all the top Mama secrets–from community services and school information to places to do and things to see–and packed them into 25+ in-depth chapters.

The TodaysMama Handbook is available in Arizona, Nevada, Seattle, Utah and the Bay Area in California.

You can find a weekly listing of "get these kids out of the house" activities on their website, focused on the following locations:

Arizona Mama
Bay Area - Alameda Mama
Bay Area - Contra Costa Mama
Bay Area - Peninsula Mama
Bay Area - Silicon Valley Mama
DC Mama
Green Bay Mama
Houston Mama
Nevada Mama
South Florida Mama
San Diego Mama
Santa Cruz/ Monterey Mama
Seattle Mamas
Solano Mama
Spokane Mama
Utah Mama

So go!  Get out of the house!  And, you're welcome.


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