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Utterly Yours Pregnancy Pillow

UPDATE: 10% off with the coupon code UYBS1008 . Offer expires 10/31/2008.

So ladies, raise your hand if half your bed has been taken over by a pregnancy pillow! Those of you who aren't pregnant where are you storing that monstrosity? Don't get me wrong. Without the pregnancy pillow I had there would have been many many sleepless nights, and I think it's just cute that you need something to hug when you sleep while prego. Here comes Utterly Yours to make your life easier. All the benefits of a pregnancy pillow in a compact sassy cube. When you feel as big as a house it's easy to think you're taking up enough space while pregnant as it is!

The Utterly Yours Pregnancy Pillow will help women find the most comfortable resting position with its special revolutionary cubic design. When opened, it forms two triangles. Memory foam on one half of the pillow conforms to the mothers belly. The other half of the pillow is made of higher density foam to support the back while keeping the body positioned to one side comfortably. The fabric that connects the two sides stretches to accommodate women as their bodies grow throughout their pregnancy.

Available at UtterlyYours.com


Go Baby Inmat Giveaway


Baby needs tummy time, but how do you protect baby from the dirty floor? Go Baby InMat!

The InMat is crafted with a washable suede and soft fleece creating the ideal mat for baby yoga, massage and tummy-time. It rolls up tight with a magnetic closure making it easy to toss into mom's diaper or gym bag. And, unlike the old standby baby blanket, it doesn't slip, slide or twist with every move the baby makes! Even if the baby decides to get in on the exercise action, the mat stays smooth and flat, despite their newly-found rolling or crawling skills!

Surface area is 23x24. Fleece - 100% poly. Suede - 100% leather

To enter: Leave a comment!
***comments will open in a new window, scroll to the bottom to leave your comment.***

(please be sure you fill in your email address, it will not be displayed and will not be used except to notify the winner.)

Contest ends Monday September 1st 9am MST, winner announced by Tuesday September 2nd 9am MST.

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Handmade Crafty-ness

Update - Contest is now closed!
So, you want something soft, cuddly and handmade for your little tiny one? If you're like me sewing baby toys is at the bottom of the list, long after diapers, dishes, dirt and dinner! Because really, who has time for all that?

Solution- Crafty Baby. Fun and functional creations for children.

Clutch Ball

"Our original design clutch ball is great for children ages 4 months and up. 7" in diameter and divided into 4 sections for easy gripping, this ball is a soft and durable toy. Light jingle bells are hidden inside. Safe for eating, grabbing, throwing at siblings and furniture, this ball is also safe for the washing machine and dryer."

Don't miss the Nap Pack, a genius take along blanket for sleepy tots!

Want to win a Nap Pack and Clutch Ball? Just sign up for our Daily Steal Alert (as always, if you're already signed up you're automatically entered!)

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Contest Ends Friday August 15th at 2pm MST, winner announced by 9am MST Saturday August 16th.


BurpCatcher Giveaway!

UPDATE - Contest is now closed.

Did you miss the BurpCatcher when we featured them as a steal a few weeks ago?

We're sorry! How about we give you one for free!

Just sign up for our Daily Steal Alert for your chance to win (as always, if you're signed up you're automatically entered to win!).

We'll pick FOUR winners, three blue and one pink.

Contest Ends Thursday August 13th at 9am MST, winner announced by 5pm MST Thursday August 14th.

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What is a BurpCatcher?

BurpCatcher does what no other burp cloth can: keep baby's unexpected little messes from hitting unexpected places! Makes cleaning up after feeding discreet and easy so there are no more embarrassing -- and messy – mishaps.

* Fantastic for feeding and burping a baby in public places!

* Award-winning design!

* Doctor recommended!

* Cute, functional and unique gift for the
new mom!


CozyWedge Giveaway!

UPDATE: Contest is now closed

A few weeks ago we featured the Cozy Wedge on BabySteals and they sold out fast! Did you miss them? Do you want one? For FREE!

Let me tell you why you do. If you have a rambunctious child the bumpers in your crib may look a little squished by the time your child can roll over. My son is 16 months and his very cute bumper pads were very squished by the time he was 5 months old. As he grew older he used it as a snuggle buddy and I couldn't help but think it wasn't very safe. Right?

Problem solved with the Cozy Wedge!

We have one in Organic Cotton Ecru waiting just for you! Just sign up for our Daily Steal Alert. Already signed up? You're automatically entered to win, aren't we nice!

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Sign up for the Daily Steal Alert

Contest Ends Friday August 8th at 9am MST! Winner announced Friday August 8th at 5pm.


Who wants a Ju-Ju-Be?!

UPDATE: contest is now closed

The new BeLight from Ju-Ju-Be lives up to it's name. I recently bought a new diaper bag and was so disappointed when I found out how heavy it was empty! After shoving all the baby needs in, the bag weighed more than the baby.

The BeLight is the lightest diaper bag on the market, even better it's reversible! Long or short straps, two large pockets in front, lightweight changing pad, and crumb drains! Are you kidding me, who doesn't need that?!

Want one? How about this little lightweight cutie?

Hurry up, contest ends Thursday July 31st at 9am MST, winner announced Thursday July 31st at 5pm MST.


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Momspit - Because You Know You're Going To

Because you know you're going to spit on your kid. Every mom does it. Every kid hates it.

What? You've never spit on your kid? Really? I bet your laundry is always put away and you use the reflection in your clean kitchen floor to just dust on a bit of blush, cause that's all you need. And you love your mother-in-law, and dirt exists only when camping. Right?

Get over it. Get MomSpit.


the gigi blanki company giveaway

Update - Contest is now closed

It's important to note the prize for this giveaway didn't happen overnight. Why? Because each gigi blanket is handmade, as it is ordered. You pick a fabric for the front, one for the back and a trim. Endless possibilities, everyone of them silky soft. And I mean soft. Cuddly, fuzzy and warm. The perfect little blanket for your little one. Easily customizable to match the nursery.

Want to win one?
How about this one?

{ strolli } 30" x 35"
An Opulent Take-Along Blanket
Great for day trips to the zoo, napping at grandma's, or as a posh crib blanket, these "strollin' snugglers" are the ultimate in comfort. Three different fabrics give babies lots of texture to explore and keep little hands busy.

Contest ends Friday July 25th at 9am MST. Winner announced here Friday July 25th at 5pm MST.

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Who needs more chocolate? If you're not raising your hand clearly you aren't pregnant.

Remember the cravings? They are no joke. When you need chocolate, you need it asap, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I have been trying to save the Chocolate Cuddles that Bellybar sent for my next pregnancy. No success. They're all gone, the Citrus on Boards chews are gone also. I I don't like healthy food, like my father if I know it's good for me I get suspicious and decide before trying anything it's must taste like compressed salted sawdust. I was a little nervous to review the Bellybar products for that very reason.

How surprised I was.

"New moms and moms-to-be need extra nutrients – before, during and after pregnancy. Which is why we created Bellybar. Packed with key prenatal nutrients, Bellybar satisfies your need for something nutritious and your craving for something delicious. And, it delivers the essential iron, foic acid, calcium, protein and Omega-3 DHA that you and your baby need. With Bellybar, you also get the peace of mind of knowing that OB/GYNs, midwives, doulas and healthcare providers recommend it. So, unwrap a bar, and discover why women crave Bellybar long after they’ve given birth."

Yeah, all that and it tastes good. Which in my opinion wins the battle!


Want to see them on babysteals.com? Let us know, leave a comment!


Savvy Tots

Look at my savvy little tots. 

Savvy sassy sayings on tees and bodysuits so thick and soft they'll last through your kids and your grandkid's kids.


p.s. If your child won't sit still for a modeling shoot, hold him upside-down!


Sleepy Wrap baby wrap baby carrier

Since becoming involved with babysteals I realized (too late) that a sling is necessary if you have any more than 1 child and any less than 3 arms. The first few months after my second child, The Weeb, was born I went to bed nightly chastising myself for being irritated that the sweet little bundle of baby wouldn't let me put him down for 5 minutes so I could do important things like load the dishwasher, put in a load of laundry or use the restroom. At one point late in my pregnancy I started to think, "maybe I should pick up one of those wrappy baby thingys, now that I'll have two." Those ideas were always immediately followed by, "nah, I'm not a vegan peace corps activitst, I'm sure I'd just look weird."

Mamas and dads, I am here to tell you- a wrap will save your life. I've been slinging my 1 year old around for a month or two and I can't believe what a time saver they are. Two free arms! I can do anything!

The Sleepy Wrap is especially nice for your littlest one. Easy to slide in and once your all put together its like you glued the kid to your skin, with a lovely wrap shirt on the outside.

Trust me. You need one.


Want to see it on babysteals.com? Let us know!


Two Tinas

Two of my friends are having babies, very very soon. I should be a very good friend and sew them something myself, something personalized. But the truth is that's likely not going to happen. I don't have the time and I certainly don't have the energy. Solution? Two Tinas.

Maybe a snapsuit or my name blanket, but probably one of their signature blankets.

Save yourself the hassle, stock up on a few baby gifts, or spoil yourself.


Polliwalks Giveaway

update: contest is now closed

Who wants a new pair of shoes!
Ladybugs? Ducks? How about an alligator? Clearly these are kids shoes, and we're giving a pair away!

Polliwalks™ is a brand created on the premise that shoes for children should be fun! The company is comprised of a team of veteran shoe designers,manufacturers, sales people, developers, and marketers. They know the shoe business and are dedicated to
creating innovative shoes that appeal to the fun side of being a child. They back up our fresh approach to product with years and years of combined industry experience, making shoes that not only offer quality, comfort and function,but are born from a playful inspiration that offers unique styling and features that both kids and parents love.

Listen up mamas, here's how to enter. First, visit the Polliwalks website, browse a bit, pick a pair then come back here and tell us! Do some research, you have all day to enter.

Contest ends Friday June 27th at 9amMST.

Winner will be announced here Friday June 27th at 5pmMST, be sure to check back!

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so simple you'll actually use it

Puj makes lovely things. Shoes and dreamy easy to use slings in lovely prints.

Need an extra hand? Maybe you're about to go on vacation and don't want to deal with the stroller at the airport? Or maybe you just need a simple solution for all those quick stops you make here and there.

Whatever the need, PUJ makes parenting easier. With the "Go" sling you're in and out in no time. No straps, no buckles, no zippers and no metal rings. Just throw it over your head and you're good to go. You can even put it on while holding your baby.

Really! It's that easy. And it folds flat so you can easily store it in your bag of tricks. It's there for all the times you weren't planning on stopping. It's comfy, it frees up both hands, and is machine washable. Your baby will love you for it. Plus your arms won't start to burn 7 minutes into your 4 hour red-eye flight to Chicago. The "Go" sling by PUJ.

So simple you'll actually use it.



TodaysMama Handbooks

So, who needs to get out of the house?! Out of ideas? TodaysMama can help.

TodaysMama Handbooks cover what, where and how to be the best Mama in town! They've collected all the top Mama secrets–from community services and school information to places to do and things to see–and packed them into 25+ in-depth chapters.

The TodaysMama Handbook is available in Arizona, Nevada, Seattle, Utah and the Bay Area in California.

You can find a weekly listing of "get these kids out of the house" activities on their website, focused on the following locations:

Arizona Mama
Bay Area - Alameda Mama
Bay Area - Contra Costa Mama
Bay Area - Peninsula Mama
Bay Area - Silicon Valley Mama
DC Mama
Green Bay Mama
Houston Mama
Nevada Mama
South Florida Mama
San Diego Mama
Santa Cruz/ Monterey Mama
Seattle Mamas
Solano Mama
Spokane Mama
Utah Mama

So go!  Get out of the house!  And, you're welcome.


BabySteals.com Giveaway - Boogie Wipes

UPDATE: Contest is now closed.

I'm not a neglectful mother, but sadly I regularly look like one. My little guy detests having his nose touched, wiped or even looked at. So we tried boogie wipes and I can't say he's turned into a perfect angel, but he likes the grape and wriggles less when I use them.

Boogie Wipes are the latest innovation in a moist wipe product for busy moms, dads & kids. With added saline, they offer quick, gentle, effective relief of stuck on Boogies (mucous) caused by the common cold & allergies.


  • Alcohol Free
  • Unique Formula
  • Moisturizes with added Chamomile, Vitamin E and Aloe
  • Gentle Enough for all Ages
  • Lightly Scented
Contest ends Wednesday June 25th at 9amMST.

Winner will be announced here Wednesday June 25th at 5pmMST, be sure to check back!
If you don't want to take your chances here, you can buy your own Boogie Wipes at boogiewipes.com

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a little love

If you're looking for the clippies on the sweet little head in the happy green bee photos, you'll find them at oopsiedazie.com.


Stuff for Sprouts

Stuff for Sprouts, good for soothing every dry and crunchy part of your kid, but I'm going to use the product for something far more important.  Some of these little beauties are going to be safely stored until I get pregnant with baby #3.  Why?  Smell.  They smell so very lovely, like chocolate and muffins.  I'm going to pile it on under my nose as soon as morning sickness starts and keep it coming for 6 months.  Yes, I puke for 6 months when pregnant!

In the meantime I'm going to buy a few for my littlest guy.  He inherited mama's dry skin and when you suck your thumb at night things get ugly.  The little lip balm case is so easy to open and it's flat, so it's not rolling anywhere.  Thank goodness, I've lost enough tube-ey shaped dry skin products.  It smells like food so the little tank doesn't mind me slathering him in it.

Since we love you.. well, since Stuff for Sprouts loves you, you can get 15% off your order by using this coupon code:

15% discount
coupon code: BBYSTL15
for items purchased from stuff4sprouts.com

p.s.  friends and family, i am NOT pregnant!  yet.


Baby Slings by HugaMonkey

With toddlers it's got to be simple, fast, and no fuss. That's why HugaMonkey Baby Slings are perfect for us! No rings, no folding, and no layers and layers of wrapping fabric around you. I can honestly say that until recently I had NO idea (don't judge) that you could set a toddler in a baby sling and have them ride on your hip! It's saving my right arm. And for that, mad props to you HugaMonkey! Now, go get yours and Hug your Monkey. Thanks to Janet Jonas Photography for the pictures!


Lovin' the BabyLegs

It's no mystery that we love BabyLegs. Check out their new line! Pictured on my baby girl is Juniper. She shows us a totally toddlerific way of wearing them - with cowboy boots and her dress off!


Signing Time

Here it is, drum roll please, the FIRST product that gets the BabySteals.com 'Steal' of Approval! It was incredibly easy for me to pick. All I needed to decide was what was the one product I couldn't live without in raising Baby Jane? Easy. The Award Winning Sign Language Videos Signing Time!

We have been signing to Jane since she was 4 months old. We were introduced to Signing Time when she was 9 months and she has LOVED it ever since. Long before she could talk to us she has communicated with signs, to the amazement of people that didn't know that babies can sign before they can talk! Jane is turning 2 this Friday (sniff sniff, they grow so fast) and she knows so many signs that it's impossible to count. When asked, "show me the sign for.......," she is always proud to show the sign.

Because of Signing Time, Jane knows every letter of the alphabet by sight, every color by sign and sight, can count from 1-22, and knows 1-10 by sight. It is astounding to watch her. She was even one of the children chosen to be filmed in the next series of Baby Signing Time! They truly are the best baby sign language videos!

Delight your child with Rachel, Alex and Leah and the fantastic music incorporated into a fun-filled and educational half hour! If you're already a fan of Signing Time, you'll know what we mean when we say that in our house, every frog is named Hopkins and all pizzas are Silly. Thanks to Rachel and the Signing Time gang!

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