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Plant yourself at 9am


If you are looking for something sweet and soft for your bebe, get here at 9amMST SHARP tomorrow morning (Friday).

We're predicting an early sell-out.


BabySteals Giveaway - Hedvig Bourbon Judabee

Yesterday BabySteals.com turned 1 month old! This process truly has mirrored having a baby. The three of us are up very late with the baby, and the research, planning, and creation process truly was at least 9 months. The original concept came to Jana early in 07 as "wouldn't it be cool if...." and the name popped in her head in the middle of the night! On April 28th 08 we were born and just like a baby, growing very fast. We're thrilled that you're a part of it and can't thank you enough for sharing with your friends. To celebrate, we decided to give some stuff away!

Hooray Judabee!

Tired of dragging around the whole diaper bag for quick errands? You need a Judabee. Small and sassy, it matches everything.

Details from hedvigbourbon.com...

The Judabee pouch opens up revealing two pockets for diapers and wipes. Designed with a wrist handle it is the perfect little pouch to carry separately or include in your bag when only diapers and wipes are needed for the trip.

Measures closed 10” x 7”

Fabric outer shell and inner lining 100% cotton

Color: Turquoise

Price: $40

Enter for your chance to win the Judabee pictured by leaving a comment! Just tell us how often you visit BabySteals.com and you're entered for a chance to win. *please do not post your email address, just your first name and last initial. we'll find you!*

Contest ends Friday May 23rd 30th at 9amMST.
note: the 30th is correct, our tired little brains are a week behind!

Winner will be announced here Monday June 2nd at 9am, be sure to check back!


Share the love

Love baby steals? Share with a friend!

It's easy peasy.

Last Day of the Baby Shower!

Today is the last day of the Baby Shower! We are almost sold on several items. As of right now we only have 3 of each available Mommy Cover style left, one Happygreenbee outfit in each size left, 6 Zoobie Pet Makasha the Monkeys, 3 Ruched Maternity Tops from Expected Maternity, and less than 10 of each size Topless Undershirt by Blush that's left! That is nothing considering how many we started with. They will go extremely fast so if you're considering it, hurry before someone beats you to it!

Back to one-deal-a-day on Tuesday at 9am MST! With something that you've all been asking for by the way!


A BabySteals.com Shower of Steals!

Here it is, the day babystealers wait for! It's a Babysteals.com shower of steals until we're done partying!
We brought back our hot Steals all at once for a free-for-all holiday weekend! Act fast because we have very limited quantities left of these steals. We will do our best to keep our site updated but many items are already out!

Here's where this whole thing really rocks. If you make multiple purchases, we will help you save even more money by combining shipping! And, we'll refund you the difference. How cool is that! We ship the same day so you get hooked up with your steals fast!

So have fun, shop away, and hurry! Parties don't last forever!

PS. Those of you in the Salt Lake area, don't forget free local pickup!



Very excited about the babysteals.com plans for the weekend! It all starts at 9am tomorrow (which is today because its so late!)


"The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."
-Jill Churchill

Just For Fun

Mama wisdom from Erma Bombeck

The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.

It goes without saying that you should never have more children than you have car windows.

Never lend your car to someone you've given birth to.

When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.

All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them.

My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?

Insanity is hereditary. You can catch it from your kids.

What do YOU want?

Hi mommies! Before my baby wakes up I thought I'd solicit your feedback on some STEALS! Is there something you check our site everyday in hopes to see? Is there a particular baby or maternity item that you're scouring the web for the best deal on? If so, we wanna know! Drop us an email; , post a comment, write on our facebook wall, whatever you like. This site is for YOU and we'd love to know what you're looking for and bring you what you want! Feel free to share if you're expecting, ages of your other babies and kids, what you like and don't like about our site, etc! We love hearing from you!


A little more about today's steal, happygreenbee.

When I found happygreenbee I fell instantly in love with the simple colorful designs, little did I know I was already a big fan of Roxanne, the founder. Roxanne also founded another bee company, Burt's Bees! I adore Burt's Bees and especially love their baby products. My sister-in-law Meghan and I think baby perfume is such a lovely idea.

A little more...

{from the happygreenbee website}

Roxanne and Burt started Burt's Bees in 1989, a cottage industry which quickly evolved into an internationally renowned personal care company with a core commitment to pure ingredients, naturally efficacious formulas and earth-friendly packaging. As a mother designer and lifelong enviromentalist, Roxanne saw a void in children's clothing wear and a lack of awareness to the benefits of organic cotton. Thus she began to "sew" the seeds of her newest venture- happygreenbee, and all organic cotton clothing line created especially for kids.

happygreenbee has a simple philosophy; clothing that is comfortable, colorful, playful and ecologically responsible.

Why choose organic cotton?

90 million acres of worldwide agricultural lands are devoted to the production of cotton, consuming 25% of all pesticides used on our planet.

Organically grown cotton is not treated with pesticides and herbicides.

Genetically modified seed accounts for 50% of cotton grown in the United States. We can only speculate about the unintended and unforseen consequences of genetic engineering.

Organically grown cotton does not use genetically engineered seed.

Petroleum based hydocarbons (chemical fertilizers) are intensively applied to cotton crops to artifically speed up and otherwise "enhance" the plant's growth cycle and productivity. The runoff of these compounds pollutes our watersheds and food chains.

Organically grown cotton does not use petroleum based fertilizers.

Baby, Baby, Baby Signing Time

Sing it with me, now! Those of you that are Signing Time Fans know the exact tune I'm humming right now. Those of you that aren't yet, do yourself a favor and buy the CD's! If you'd like to get a feel for the music, click the You Tube video below and you'll understand why we love them so much! And click here if you'd like to buy the DVD's, they are The best baby sign language videos!
In no time at all you and your baby will be singing and signing together!

Happy Mother's Day

My little kiddles, soon to be the test subjects for many baby products featured on babysteals.com.

L to R: Bubby and The Weeb* (short for wee bebe)

*names changed to protect them from internet creepies!

Happy Mother's Day, Moms!

I'm writing this from my laptop enjoying a beautiful Mother's Day morning from our patio. The boys made me breakfast and the baby is still sleeping. Just a few short minutes of peace until the craziness of the day begins between church, and Mother's Day get-togethers at my mother's, my mother-in law, and both of my grandmothers. It will be busy but I am very grateful for all of the moms in my life and that we live so close to them.
I am hoping to get home in time to start a quick project. I'm putting the Corner & Vine Fairies Mural from Elephants on the Wall in my daughter's room around the top of the headboard of her bed. I can't tell you how cute and easy these wall murals are! They are our 'steal' today, get one before they are gone.
Have a wonderful and Happy Mother's Day from all of us at BabySteals.com!


Be our Facebook Fan

I like Facebook. It's a fun place to stay connected with your friends and what they are doing. It's also a fun place to show your friends the things you love. Things they might not normally know you like, such as reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 and the 'Davids' on American Idol. I created a BabySteals Facebook fan page for this very reason, and I need your help promoting it! If you are a member of Facebook, (it's free and easy if you're not) we want to be your friend! All you need to do is log in to Facebook and go our BabySteals Facebook fan page at the URL below and click "Become a Fan". You'll see my page in there as a fan, I'm Jana. I better hurry and go post a good picture in it! Become our fan on Facebook.


Blogger Buzz

I was up late last night deep inside the world wide web, surfing and reading. I couldn't stop and I just kept thinking to myself; 5 more minutes. Okay, 10 more minutes. What had me so enamored that I couldn't go to bed? Your blogs! I was officially a lurker reading your blogs. How did I find your blogs? Because you've blogged about BabySteals.com! It's so much fun reading the great things you have to say about our new site. It's just as much fun reading about your darling babies and kids! I'm amazed at how many of you have written about us already and we've only been officially online for under 2 weeks. Thanks for all the mad props, we love you too! I can tell this is going to become an addiction for us - finding new bloggers that wrote about BabySteals.com and reading their blog! I am not sure why it is so interesting to me to read blog after blog of people I don't know but I'm guilty of it. And I'll keep doing it. So blog away! We appreciate it more than you know!

The Mommy Cover by Joia

You know when you get something new and you love it so much that you can't believe you've survived all those years before without it? I can think of several things for me; the Internet, my blackberry, my kids (wait, they're first), and my Mommy Cover by Joia. No joke. After nursing two other children until at least 18 months, I can't believe I was deprived for so long from comfortable, stylish nursing. You think I'm kidding, I'm not.

I discovered them at the Utah Baby Day Expo. Charlie Ostrander, the creator of this wonderful invention showed me how these nursing covers work and I was amazed at how she thought of everything. I immediately bought one and couldn't wait to use it. The styles and prints were so fun and darling that it was hard to pick the one I wanted! Did I mention they are reversible?

Here's just a few of the reasons why I love them and they get the BabySteals.com Steal of Approval:

First of all, the strap. It's silky fabric and feels great around your neck. It's so easy to adjust and you tuck the rest of the strap up underneath so the baby can play with the silk. The top of the cover opens up just enough so the baby can see you the whole time (and vice versa) and doesn't get too hot. It's great to finally see what's going on without peeking under the blanket. No worries - people around you can't see! The retractable wheel easily slides around your back and velcros to the other side. So it fits snug and no matter how much baby kicks it won't fall off (sorry blankets, you're so old school)! Best yet, it folds up small for the diaper bag, it's so fab.

Keep an eye on our site, we sell them at a 'steal' from time to time and will feature them again soon. So, if you are planning to nurse or nursing, treat yourself to a Mommy Cover by Joia. You deserve it!

Today's Steal


Gift with Purchase today!

Our friends at the Blessed Nest sent us the most adorable little organic washcloths for baby. We decided instead of selling them that we'd give them to you as a gift with purchase! So with every purchase today you'll get a cute little surprise along with your order. It's our way of saying 'Thank You' for supporting our site! Speaking of supporting our site, here's an update to an earlier post that said we had hits from 41 states in just our second day online. In our third, all 50 states visited our site. Yes, even Wyoming!

Second Chance Saturday!

Those of you who visit our site daily probably already hooked yourself up with Blush Topless Undershirts last Tuesday. If you're one of the women that emailed this: "I got my shipment today and if I had any idea how much I'd love them I would have bought more!" Today's your second chance! Back by very popular demand. And if you're one of the women that emailed us, "I just found out about your site today and really want to know what steals I missed all week," then today is for you, too.

Don't forget to get a couple more for Mom, too. That will come in handy in a week!

I'm not posting my rear end on the internet...

...sorry. I'd love to post a photo of how the Blush Topless Undershirt saved my favorite sweater, but nobody needs to see my torso. (especially in a post that includes the words 'rear end' and 'topless').

You'll just have to believe me.

Weeks ago I washed my favorite sweater, shrinking it about an inch in length. Weeping, I tossed it into the good will pile, cursing my mistake. Then I got the undershirt and it saved the sweater!

Save your sweaters!

Be happy it's not you thought for the day

If your 2 year-old brings you a marker to ask what it is, you should closely follow him around the house as he sings "that's a marker, that's a marker."

Has someone invented something to prevent diaper messes from squishing up and out the back of the diaper? If not, could you get right on that?

I am missing one half of a chocolate frog. I suspect the aforementioned 2 year-old

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