$25 Gift Code Giveaway & What do you do at ’steal’ time?

Update: Contest closed – winner announced by 5pm MST

It’s 8:55am Mountain time. You’ve snuck away from your real life for those few important moments….to get your daily fix. You’re at your computer, logged into your google account eagerly anticipating steal time. You have BabySteals.com, KidSteals.com and ScrapbookSteals.com all up in different browsers, ready to refresh at precisely 9am. Your mobile phone is next to you, ready to get the mobile alert from our Twitter or Facebook pages on your phone. You’re logged into your Facebook account, ready to brag to all the other moms that you snagged your steal j.u.s.t in time!

Does this sound like YOU? You’re not alone. It’s time to share your story!

We’re giving away a $25 Gift Code to a lucky winner- to feed the addiction even more!

To enter for your chance to win, leave a comment here on our blog and tell us:

What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve done to get to your computer at 9am MST sharp? Tell us a steal story.

Then enjoy reading the others!

Contest ends Monday March 1st at 10am MST, random winner announced here by 5pm. Winner selected via random.org. There are no strings with the $25 Gift Code. It will be valid on anything, anytime, of your choice, up to $25, in the year 2010. Good luck!

PS. Wordpress only allows a certain amount of comments per minute to prevent spam. If you get a message saying “too many comments” just try again in a few minutes or come back later- there is plenty of time to enter!

377 Responses to “$25 Gift Code Giveaway & What do you do at ’steal’ time?”

Erica February 24th, 2010 at 7:59 pm - #12215

Ridiculous?. If you call making it part of my morning schedule ridiculous, then that’s what I do!. I have left a family breakfast to check the computer at 10 :-) .

Kyla Jaspers February 24th, 2010 at 7:59 pm - #12217

The most rediculous thing I’ve done to find out the daily steal is get my “steal buddy” (Christie Jaarsma) to text me the steals on both babysteals and kidsteals, while I was in the hospital in labour and after our baby was born…yes just before I got my epidural, and only 3 hours and 40 minutes before Carter was born I had my cell phone in hand during 2 minute apart lasting 1½ minutes contractions to see what the days steals were…I know, I’m addicted :D

Tracey Shumka February 24th, 2010 at 8:01 pm - #12219

I can’t honestly say I have some great story to tell, but I do keep my cell phone under my pillow, with 2 alarms set (8:58 and 9:00), I also for while had the twitter update, as well as the daily email, sent to my phone as well. There is usually no excuse for me to not get to my computer on time.

Although when I holidayed in Banff AB around Christmas, I did spend too much money keeping internet in my chalet, just to be able to check at 9am!

God luck everyone!

MandyB February 24th, 2010 at 8:01 pm - #12220

My mornings consist of waiting for it to be 10am (CST) because that’s when the new steals come up here. I’ve regularly made sure that there’s a good movie on the tv for ds to watch or I’ve put him down for his nap early so I can be on the computer checking the steals. If it’s too close, I make him come downstairs and threaten him with having to have a time out if he distracts me in the 5 mins before and after 10am. lol I’ve also tried to make sure that on days I’m not home I check it wherever I am. Including my moms house and texting my husband to check on his phone (while he’s working!)

Lynn Menard February 24th, 2010 at 8:02 pm - #12221

My name is Lynn Menard and I have a crazy addiction to BS & KS. It started last fall and it has gotten progressively worse. At first it was intriguing, then exciting and now it’s got to the point where it’s down right addiction and I rearrange my life schedule around 11 est!! All appointments/playdates need to be booked at a safe time frame either before or after the steal-of-the-day is introduced. Either that, or I have to have reliable access to a computer at that time. My friends (who don’t ‘do’ FB or online shopping) don’t ‘get’ the addiction and think I’m crazy, until they see the fantastic things my kids (or household!) are sporting weekly!! I’m an addict, and I’m proud of it!!! Thanks BS & KS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle February 24th, 2010 at 8:02 pm - #12222

Well it may not be too crazy or out there but I do home daycare plus I have 3 little girls, baby steals posts the new steal at 11am here in Ontario, Canada, of course 11am is a busy time with all the kids so at about 10:45 I got on a good cartoon movie, sat them all in a row and dumped out a bunch of smarties! I really do feed healthy foods but I needed to get the steal that day and need just a few minutes to sit and refresh the page. Oh, I got my steal but had a big mess of sticky choco hands, faces and not to mention the floor to clean up afterwards! :)

Kellie Grunde February 24th, 2010 at 8:04 pm - #12224

I would say every morning is rediculous for me. I am a night owl and my dd loves to sleep in the morning, so I have to set my alarm for 7:50 am PST. I grab my ipod, and get all the sites ready to go, I lay in bed with the hubby and babe and do my steals with one hand and one eye open. Then I either go back to bed or am beaming with excitement and can’t go back to sleep. Fridays I have a class to attend and I have to leave by 8am…I arrive late to class just to get my steal in!!!! Most Fridays it pays off!!! I am addicted and so are the other momma’s in my family, all we do is talk about the steals when we get together :)

Beth garduno February 24th, 2010 at 8:05 pm - #12226

I refuse to go anywhere until after steal time even though that is 11am in my time! I will just do house stuff and wai until after steal time! It will be a tragedy if Vinny gets in at 11:00 and I need to be there…… Hopefully the terminal will have WIFI!

KristalS February 24th, 2010 at 8:06 pm - #12227

Thankd GOd for Maternity leave!! Thats how I make it here everyday!

Lisa Burry February 24th, 2010 at 8:07 pm - #12228

Steal time is 12:30pm here, so I make sure the kiddies (ages 1 and 3) are seated and settled in with their lunches. Yes, even the 1 year old has to feed himself…so I can check the steals! (Actually he prefers to feed himself anyway, so it works out great!!).

JR. Hollywood February 24th, 2010 at 8:09 pm - #12230

One time I HAD to leave the house and be on the road for steal time, since I don’t have an i phone, I brought my laptop, circled a couple city blocks until I found an unsecured line and connected. Usually I just schedule my day after 10:00 am! (CT)

Diana February 24th, 2010 at 8:09 pm - #12231

I will put my 4month old in the exersaucer or jolly jumper to keep her mind off of eating, so that i can check BS. If she wants to eat before, i put the computer within arms reach, so i can check it while she is nursing!! I know the exact time on my computer the steal will come up!! Multitasking at its best!!

Amie C. February 24th, 2010 at 8:10 pm - #12232

To have our center fully staffed we must have 5 teachers with staggered shifts in the infant room. 4 teachers with staggered shifts in both toddler classrooms and 2 teachers with staggered shifts in both preschool classrooms as well as the PreK classroom. It will also be helpful to have 3 aides who are available to cover breaks and to be an extra set of hands in classrooms that are busy.

Kristy Krulitski February 24th, 2010 at 8:12 pm - #12235

I havent been stealing for too long, but if I cant get the kids to be eating or watching a movie by 5 to 8 (pacific) I literally dump them on sleeping hubby, and tell him I just need a minute to think!

Michelle R. February 24th, 2010 at 8:12 pm - #12236

I made my dentist stop drilling my tooth while filling a cavity so I could log into his computer behind the reception desk to check the steal! First things first, right??? Half of my face was numb and I had cotton stuffed into both sides of my mouth… the people there (the dentist, nurses, other patients) thought I was crazy until one of the people waiting screamed “Oh my gosh! Are you looking at babysteals.com?? What is it!!” as she practically jumped behind the counter to see. Thank you BS. You guys are awesome.

Sonja D February 24th, 2010 at 8:13 pm - #12237

Steal time is at 7 a.m. here…right when my daughter needs to be nursed for the first time of the day. So, I get up at 6:55, race to the bathroom, turn on the computer, get my daughter, sit down on the couch with the laptop on the coffee table, begin nursing her, and then start hitting refresh. :)

Krista February 24th, 2010 at 8:14 pm - #12238

I haven’t had to do anything too crazy….yet!I’m a sahm so i make sure that i’m in front of my computer every morning at 9am. My husband laughs at me because even when he takes our daughter and lets me sleep in on the weekend, i’m still up to check what’s up for steal. =)

Amber Lynn February 24th, 2010 at 8:14 pm - #12239

I once scheduled an appointment at 11aEST — my stealing time! What was I thinking?! The appointment was running late, so I pulled out my phone to check my e-mail. Then, I called my brother to have him look up the steal for me.

Now, I’m better about appointments. It helps that it’s naptime for Tillie. I’m usually home. :)

Carrie McD February 24th, 2010 at 8:15 pm - #12240

I really can’t commit to anything that takes place around 11 am (EST)…that would just be too much of a risk to miss a steal!

Sondra February 24th, 2010 at 8:21 pm - #12242

I took DD in for a sick baby appt and 9am was the only time they had! What amazed me though as I started getting anxious and checking my phone, my pediatrician moved over to her laptop! I asked her if she had internet on it and she did, and I started to explain babysteals and she stopped me right in my tracks! SHE WAS ON BABYSTEALS ALREADY! It was the day of your Dante diaper bags. It was fun to read the steal and talk about it with someone else! Especially DD’s Dr! <3 BabySteals and KidSteals!

Melissa Goldstein February 24th, 2010 at 8:21 pm - #12243

I am such a babysteals addict. Nap time is scheduled at 9:30 a.m. everyday when I am home with my daughter. My husband knows I refuse to leave the house until after the steal is posted. Craziest thing? I jumped out of the shower soaking wet(at 9:59 a.m. CST) to run to the computer to check the steal. Glad I did–Dwell Diaper Tote was on that day!

Julia Smith February 24th, 2010 at 8:23 pm - #12244

I haven’t done anything TOO ridiculous but I (like Tracey) sleep with my cell phone under my pillow and the alarm set for 7:55 PST. Depending on if I’m up before then for any reason I either am on my computer with both Facebook and babysteals open or still in bed on my mobile web with one eye open (like Kellie) at 8 PST sharp :)

Katie Hunt February 24th, 2010 at 8:23 pm - #12245

Well to start I don’t make plans, doc appointments, or any other engagements that would leave me far from a computer at 11am. I even wanted a laptop for Christmas partly to have a computer when we are out of town. Sick I know! I have taken it with me for back up incase I am out and need to find a wifi hot spot..Lol. Love the steal sites and checking the steals has just become part of my everyday!! Good luck to everyone!!

Jessica C. February 24th, 2010 at 8:24 pm - #12246

My BS, KS & SS addiction started not that long ago. I instantly started to adjust my schedule so I can check the computer at 11am est!! I never went anywhere before “steal time” or I made sure I was home in time! Now that I am back to work I am going to try to negotiate having my lunch break at 11am! I don’t want to miss out on those steals!!

Robyn Steen February 24th, 2010 at 8:24 pm - #12247

I was on babysteals right at 11 a.m. EST while in labor and purchased my A&A dream blanket! I remember asking my husband if it was okay that I purchased it. He knew better than to mess with a woman in labor! I am seriously addicted to this site!

Melanie SB February 24th, 2010 at 8:25 pm - #12248

I’m not sure how ridiculous this is, but I have made 10:55am (EST) Jace’s snack time so I can be down in front of the computer waiting for the new steal and I won’t go anywhere until after I see what the steal is. Also in the evening I spend a lot of time reading through the FB fan page to see if there is a hint!

Courtney Newport February 24th, 2010 at 8:26 pm - #12249

I just found out about this site 3 weeks and haven’t missed being logged at steal time yet. It is such an addiction I find myself planning my day around babysteals!!! I find myself feeding the baby and changing diapers while making purchases trying not to lose out on a great steal!!

Kara C February 24th, 2010 at 8:27 pm - #12250

I make sure that everyday right at 11am, I am sitting at my computer. I definitely don’t schedule any meetings for that time, can’t miss a steal!

Nicole Rice February 24th, 2010 at 8:28 pm - #12252

I set my alarm for 8:00am so that I can get the sleep out of my eyes and set up my computer with all 3 sites ready to go. I then turn on the coffee maker just as my DD is waking – I quickly feed her and then put in her “That Baby DVD” (My BEST Steal yet!!!!) and let her watch it so that I can sit down with my coffee and steal away!!! :)

emily February 24th, 2010 at 8:28 pm - #12253

I live in pst so steals happen at 8:00 in the morning. I really dont have to do anything crazy, sometimes kids are still sleeping! I just make sure not to have any doctors appointments untill 9:00!

Katie February 24th, 2010 at 8:29 pm - #12254

hi! i am an east coast girl so the steals come up at 11am my time. wouldn’t you know i had planned my daughter’s FIRST birthday party to start right at 11am?! i know it was a weekend which is often repeats but there was a rumor that there me be leftover zabba blankets that weekend and i had missed zabba day and was sick over it! so… my hubby set up the laptop for me upstairs in our room and even though he thought i was nuts being so crazy about having to check right at 11 even on our daughter’s first bday he still was kind enough to set up the computer to the page so all i had to do was run upstairs and hit refresh as the doorbell started ringing! he covered for me and greeted the guests and sadly it wasn’t zabbas that morning but i guess that’s a good thing because i was back downstairs in a flash and no one noticed i was gone!!

Amberlie February 24th, 2010 at 8:31 pm - #12255

I LOVE this website, and am officially addicted! Nothing too crazy, but during the Secret Steal time a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t check it. So, I called my husband (no answer), then my sister (still at school), and finally one of my co–workers to check the steal for me. I felt so lost and frantic not being able to see it for myself!

Sarah Brown February 24th, 2010 at 8:32 pm - #12256

Well, I have yet to do anything crazy to get to a steal. I am a stay at home mom and I make sure I am in front of the computer at 11 am EST just to check the steals. Even if I KNOW it’s something I don’t want, I am still checking. I try to not schedule anything around “steal time” either. Being a mother of 3, I am always looking for a bargain.

Kristen K. February 24th, 2010 at 8:33 pm - #12257

Since my work has now blocked Babysteals, but not Kidsteals thankfully, I have to determine whether or not it is worth it to tell my boss I’m going for an early lunch at Panera. I leave my office at 10:45 so that I can get to the parking lot and log into their free Wi-Fi on my ipod touch by 10:55. Everything is scheduled around this. Of course i get a yummy lunch out of the deal too.

Erin February 24th, 2010 at 8:35 pm - #12258

I can’t access babysteals on my work computer and we’re not allowed to use cell phones while working. So when I work, I strategically run to the bathroom at 10:59am to secretly check the steal on my phone. No one’s caught on yet that I have to use the bathroom at the same time every morning!

Lexi February 24th, 2010 at 8:35 pm - #12259

Typically I have my alarm on my phone set to 9:55 (CST)… A lot of days I’ll pull up babysteals on my iphone and keep hitting the refresh button for 10 to 15 minutes over and over until I see it “magically” update. This past weekend though my mother wanted to go out shopping with me… It was 9:30 and she asked if I was ready to go and I told her we couldn’t leave until after 10 once babysteals updated.

Melissa February 24th, 2010 at 8:38 pm - #12260

The most ridiculous thing I’ve done to get the daily steal ( Ally Zabba) is I had to get my kids to play group and I usually leave the house at 930 my time but I put the kids in the car and came back in the house for 10:00 steal time and was late for play group but it was all good because I got a Ally Zabba blanket for mu daughter. Thanks Baby steals.

Sara February 24th, 2010 at 8:39 pm - #12261

Hi my name is Sara and I am a Baby Steal-aholic. I easgerly wait for 8:00 am to come at the computer each morning. I love a good deal!

Victoria M. February 24th, 2010 at 8:40 pm - #12262

I’m a high school teacher and my 2nd period Health class “technically” ends at 10:05am CST but I always make sure I am done lecturing by 9:59am so I can hop onto BS! The kids have 5 minutes to talk and work on homework and I get to steal in peace. Hope none of my parents read this and I get busted ;)

Cindi T February 24th, 2010 at 8:41 pm - #12263

I’m a teacher, so at 9:58 CST, I have my students clean up and line up for a bathroom break.
Each day I sneak over to my computer, and go to BabySteals exactly at 10.
One day, one of my students came back to my desk, and was like- Mrs. T- are you shopping?!?! I quickly finished stealing and hurried them out. Let’s hope he didn’t tell his parents!

Gina C. February 24th, 2010 at 8:42 pm - #12264

I have an alarm set on my phone and a few times I have been in the shower when it went off. I had to turn off the shower and grab my phone to get online and check the steal for the day:)

Dina February 24th, 2010 at 8:44 pm - #12265

Well, I don’t have a funny story. 9am MST is 11am EST….but I did rearrange my son’s naptime so I could have quiet time to ponder my steals.

Caroline February 24th, 2010 at 8:44 pm - #12266

I work full time but up until last month I was taking a break every day to pump. I conveniently scheduled my pump break for 10:50-11:10am EST! That way I was locked in a room by myself, with internet at steal time :) I ended up spilling that precious breastmilk on more than one occasion during my stealing frenzies, but it was worth it! lol Now when you had secret steals up at 5pm EST that was tricky because I was in the car on my way home. I bookmarked the fb page to the home screen of my phone and was able to pull over and steal that way! ;)

sonia zilvitis February 24th, 2010 at 8:45 pm - #12267

No meetings at work 10 CST unless I can check my phone. Thank goodness I can now check out from my Droid, so I don’t have to text login information to a friend.

JoAnne C February 24th, 2010 at 8:47 pm - #12268

7:54AM PST where am I? Asleep… at least for another 10 seconds. Undoubtedly that is when start to hear my daughter through the monitor. Crap. I hold my breath hoping that she’s not awake, but alas she really does chose steal time to wake up. I wake up my hubby to go get her. Now we are both night owls are are usually up til 2am so waking HIM up is no easy task. After kicking him in the shins multiple times and whining at him to “save the baby, she’s cryyyying!” he finally rolls out of bed and I ask him to put her back to sleep. Of course this seems pointless because at 8am there is NO WAY she’ll ever go back to sleep, but since he never bothers to look at the clock, I tell him its 6am so at least he’ll try.

Meanwhile I have pulled the laptop out from under the bed (where I secretly stashed it the night before after hubby was fast asleep). I log in, check FB, make my steals, turn off the computer, stick it back under the bed and close my eyes. I call for Brian just to bring Maddie to our room, he climbs back in bed and goes back to sleep for another few minutes before getting up for work and never knew what happened.

Now the funny thing is that he approves of most of my steals!

Kelly B February 24th, 2010 at 8:49 pm - #12269

My name is Kelly and I am addicted to Baby Steals. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit my craziest steal story ;) . My daughter just woke from her nap a little early…and it was pushing 10am(steal time here in MN)I ran to grab her quick, so I could get back to the computer quickly. I picked her up and realized that she had a “blow-out diaper” I started to unzip her sleeper when I noticed the poo was up to her neck. Reliazing this was too big a mess to conquer before the steal posted, I quickly zipped it back up, ran with my poopy baby to the computer-just in time ;)

Chrissy S February 24th, 2010 at 8:50 pm - #12270

The addiction started a few months ago when i was in a mommy and baby aquafit class when one of the other mommmys told me about the best site ON EARTH!! lol since then i havent missed a day of checking what the steal is, i keep my ipod on my nightstand and even when my hubby lets me sleep in on the weekends i still get up to look before going back to sleep ;) <3 you guys!

jacqui February 24th, 2010 at 8:50 pm - #12271

Today while making a cafe americano, which takes like what… 3 minutes, I made the espresso… added the hot water and before I steamed and foamed the milk I stopped because it was TIME and made a purchase on babysteals. Then later went back and added steamed milk to my cold espresso. Sacrifices.

Cyndee February 24th, 2010 at 8:51 pm - #12273

On weekdays, I’ve been known to reschedule work meetings, so they don’t interfere with steal time! And the ONLY reason I joined Twitter was so I could find out what the Saturday steal is, as soon as I leave Mommy/ daughter tumbling class (and call my hubby at home to complete the steal if needed!).

Cintia February 24th, 2010 at 8:51 pm - #12274

I am always on my computer or phone at 11 am Eastern to check the steals on all 3 sites (even though I have never done a scrapbook, I love checking all 3 sites everyday!). I’m usually at work so around 11 am I start refreshing the Facebook app in my iphone so I can look at all 3 products at the same time and then I log in on my work computer to the one that looks the most interesting first. Then, I love going back and reading all the comments on Facebook. So far, I have not had to do anything too crazy to check the sites…I have great multitasking skills! ;)

Leeanna February 24th, 2010 at 8:52 pm - #12275

I am in charge of assessment at an elementary school, so often I am testing a student at steal time. If I am with a child, we conveniently take a break at 2 minutes before 10 am cst! The kids are always happy to color or play with a toy while I “do a few minutes of work” on the computer! Also, while at a conference, I made sure to check on my phone without being too noticeable!

Stacey February 24th, 2010 at 8:52 pm - #12276

Every morning at 8:55 I make sure my toddler is in his playpen infront of Handy Manny, my one-month old has had his bottle and have enough time to rush downstairs to the computer to (exactly like you said) line up babysteals and kidsteals in different browsers only to hit refresh refresh refresh til the new steal appears…
Then after I “steal” it’s true (again, like you said) go onto Facebook and messege my other babysteal/kidsteal addict friends and tell them all about it :) haha!
Thanks babysteals for being such a huge part of my day! :P

Kirsten February 24th, 2010 at 8:55 pm - #12277

I’ve only recently been following but I can’t get enough. I work fulltine so weekdays aren’t too bad except for meetings that I try so hard not to schedule around 11am eastern time. The killer for me is the weekend my oldest is in dance Saturday mornings at 11 so I have my phone timer set so I make sure I check it out while watching her dance. I’ve also got the other dance moms hooked now too!

Lindsey Brienen February 24th, 2010 at 8:56 pm - #12278

Ummm, how crazy is it that I’ve already calculated what “stealing time” will be in the Dominican Republic?? :) We’re going on a ‘babymoon’ next week, and there’s no way I can go 7 days without checking babysteals!! Aside from that, I’ve got my daily alarm set for 7:58am PST, which is kind of a big deal for me, since my unborn little one doesn’t seem to like letting mama go to sleep at a decent hour :)

chana February 24th, 2010 at 8:58 pm - #12279

I do confess I plan my life around 11am EST. My daughter knows that from about 10:55 things need to wait until after “steal-time” On the odd occasion that I was out I have called my sister to have her check for me

Melanie February 24th, 2010 at 9:00 pm - #12280

I’ve been a BBSteals addict here in Toronto since fall 2008. One of my favourite moments was last summer. We were at the cottage for the week (without Internet) and so I ran into the resort right beside us to use the laptop of a friend that works at one of the shops. I went into the archives to see what steals I had missed those few days and almost lost it when I saw the Dwell Weekender. I sent an email ASAP and when we got home I got my reply That miraculously you still had stock and so it was that j became a proud owner of a Charlotte bag! I love you guys!! Now Ali, if only we could get me some more of those elusive Piggy Paints on KS!!!!!

Rochelle Price February 24th, 2010 at 9:01 pm - #12281

I am also on and ready to go well before 9am.I try to hold off breakfast till 8:45 so i know the kids are busy eating when steal time comes up. I also put on a movie for my daughter so she is extra distracted in case my son gets fussy so i at least only have one to keep happy while i’m doing my stealing.BS is the biggest addition i’ve ever had,i just keep thinking at least i’m not drinking!

Audrey February 24th, 2010 at 9:01 pm - #12282

I am pretty sure I’m addicted to baby/kid/scrapbook steals! First off, since I have found out about these websites, I’ve had an alarm on my phone set to 10:59am (EST). If for some reason I can not be around my computer at that time, I make my husband..who is in the middle of class at medical school check it for me. (always giving him a 2 minute reminder..just to make sure he gets to the page in time) We all know the best steals sell out super quick, so you have to be on the page the second the time comes. The most drastic thing that I’ve done lately to get to a steal was last week when I thought the hint was leading us to believe that we were going to see Smart Mom Teething Bling (instead it was the DVD’s..which are still nice, but not what I needed); I took my daughter to her follow up appointment at the doctor’s office from when she was sick…and I live about 15 minutes away from the doctor’s office…we got out of the office at 10:40. I had prescriptions to fill, but I knew I wouldn’t make it in time (since I don’t have internet on my phone) to see the steal..the thing I thought I had been waiting months to come back. I drove the 15 minutes back to TN from KY to my house to check the steals websites…then immediately after, drove another 15 minutes back to KY to get her prescriptions filled. Pretty sad, huh? I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty obsessed with checking these sites daily, the minute they come on. You all are great, thanks baby/kid/scrapbook steals! My addiction will probably be much worse when my husband is a doctor, rather than a med. student and we have income coming in…

Keshia Johnston February 24th, 2010 at 9:02 pm - #12283

OK I can’t even believe I am about to admit to this but here it goes…

My husband and I were on vacation at Disneyland and the first hotel we stayed in I had lost our ipod charger (mind you we had no car) so I went down to the resorts front desk and asked if I could dig through the lost and found to find a charger…NOTHING…..so I BEEEGGED my husband to walk to the Target about 4-6 blocks away (DEF. did not tell him why, because that’s just pathetic! haha_ Anyways he comes back with the charger and I had gotten it all charged and ready to go for the airport the next morning. Virgin (I thought) had free wifi BUT only once you get on the plane so I was freaking out trying to get internet on my ipod before 8 AM PST….come to find out internet at the airport is like $8.00 bucks an hour!! sheeeesh…well needless to say I PAID it…and I remember the Saranoni’s were on, which I STILL regret not getting…The things I do for babysteals! haha <3<3<3

Sharon February 24th, 2010 at 9:02 pm - #12284

Since I am on maternity leave I am pretty much at home every morning at 9 am! I have scheduled appointments around steal time so that I don’t miss anything good! Have also looked for free wifi on my itouch to try and catch the daily steal! Not sure what I am going to do when I go back to work in September. I think silent reading will be happening the first 20 minutes or so of everyday :)

Marie-Eve February 24th, 2010 at 9:03 pm - #12285

I’m my own boss, so I always schedule my clients around steal time. Ask me for an appointment between 10:00 and 11:15 AM (Steal goes up at 11 o’clock here in Qc … and I can’t take a client after 10 *just in case* they won’t be out of my office before 11:00!!) and you’ll get the same answer : I already have a client at that time, how does 11:30 sound?! Thank you for being my 11 o’clock client everyday, Babysteals!

Christie Jaarsma February 24th, 2010 at 9:05 pm - #12286

As a SAHM it’s pretty easy for me to catch the steals right when they come up. Although it often involves planting DD in front of a cartoon with her breakfast to ensure she is not going to distract if I’m trying to snag something I really want before it sells out.

dasi February 24th, 2010 at 9:11 pm - #12287

I haven’t done anything too crazy to get a steal. However, on Friday I stay home with my son and I won’t take him out until 11am after I check out the steal. This usually works out great for me because the little guy falls asleep as soon as I stick him in the stroller. Thanks babysteals for all the awesome steals.

Rachel Whitesell February 24th, 2010 at 9:12 pm - #12288

I don’t have a funny story either…but my husband has to roll his eyes everytime he makes plans and I tell him that time doesn’t work ( because it interferes with steal time!)

Prasanna Bukka February 24th, 2010 at 9:13 pm - #12289

I’ve been addicted since the moment one of my close friends told me about it. I hope every morning that my daughter naps through 11am EST so that I can check out the steals (all 3 sites). So if she’s not napping I make checking out the websites part of our playtime! Sooo bad I know, but I gotta feed the need!! :) Lol…

CJ February 24th, 2010 at 9:14 pm - #12290

I usually am home at steal time, but on occasion have been at swimming lessons with my little one and had to keep hitting refresh on my phone while on the pool deck!

Miranda February 24th, 2010 at 9:14 pm - #12291

Sadly, the majority of my day is planned around 10am. My friends know that I will either be late or will not be able to meet until after 10am.

Worst: Delayed taking my younger brother to the hospital to check the steal. He understood-really.

Most awkward: Checking the steals as I was talking to the superintendent while trying to renegotiate a different teaching position to return to.

Shannon Oliver February 24th, 2010 at 9:15 pm - #12292

Pretty new to the site, so have not gone completely over the deep end yet. Though every morning, I get kids fed and dressed and am sitting at the computer at 7:56 pst so that I do not miss anything. Yes, I know I have a problem.

meghan February 24th, 2010 at 9:15 pm - #12293

if i can’t be at my computer at 11 am, i make sure i have my phone and can check tweetdeck or just check it online! nothing too crazy, i know, but i do kick myself when i get too busy and miss checking.

Fotini February 24th, 2010 at 9:16 pm - #12294

Thanks goodness for my best friend Ani who told me all about this site! Now I can’t get enough, everyday I am in front of the computer at 10:55 am, constantly refreshing my page every few seconds. I have even had to plan my baby girl’s nap time around steal time. On the weekends, hubby must take her so I could have “a few minutes to myself” as my girlfriend and I text each other on the steal of the day. Thank goodness for maternity leave… I will be so stressed when I have to go back to work :(
Babysteals…you rock my world!

Monique February 24th, 2010 at 9:17 pm - #12295

This is crazy: I made a hair appointment for 11 am, which is fine because I have an iPhone and always check the steals when the steals alarm goes off. I’m also a tired mommy and realized that I’d completely forgotten to pay the AT&T bill that month and saw as I was waiting for the stylist that my service had been disconnected, which meant NO INTERNET SERVICE!! I had arrived 15 minutes early and the stylist wasn’t there yet, so I told the receptionist that I had left the iron on and needed to run home. I left the salon, hopped in my car, drove 15 minutes home, raced in the house to check the steals, then paid the cell bill online and raced back to the salon. I ended up being 15 minutes late for my appointment but I’m so happy I did it because I scored the Livie and Luca London boots!!!

Laura February 24th, 2010 at 9:25 pm - #12296

I’m not as crazy as some, and I don’t have my phone hooked up to get the steals (yet) but I do ignore my kids(babysit them with movies and a snack) and sneak on here while they are otherwise occupied… And then I’m really ticked when you have a steal I missed because one of them pooped!! :P Needless to say, although I don’t steal everyday, I check it everyday! :0

Aimee February 24th, 2010 at 9:35 pm - #12297

I work but I take Wednesdays off to be with my son and take him to gym class. Unfortunately gym class starts at 10:15 and is a 20 minute drive (we’re on central time). Neatless to say, he’s been late to gym class since I missed the JuJuBee steal to insure that I don’t miss another good one! (Thanks to the AWESOME customer service, however, I was able to get a bag!!)

gillian February 24th, 2010 at 9:35 pm - #12298

i’ve offered to walk the dog in the rain right about 9 am just to get on my phone *alone* to check BS and KS!

Cortney February 24th, 2010 at 9:37 pm - #12299

Yes, I am crazy!!!! I schedule my apts around the steals, my alarm is set to go off at 10:58AM (EST) so I don’t miss the steal, I have asked to use a computer at playdates to get on for a steal….thank goodness I did last friday or I would have missed babylegs!!! And last weekend, I wouldn’t let my husband stop to pick up lunch after we went to church because I was afraid that we were going to be late for the steal and I was convinced it was going to be Mega Zabba Day, well we get home and I am freaking out cause we are 2 minutes late(according to the car)….I jump out of the still moving car, leave him to bring the kids in and fly to the computer to find out that it was only 10:59!!!! Oh, and I have an Itouch that I use to stalk babysteals and the facebook fan page while I nurse my daughter!!!!! Thank you babysteals….it is a blast and I am so glad I found your site last fall!!! I AM ADDICTED FOR SURE!!!!!

Chelsey February 24th, 2010 at 9:37 pm - #12301

I have my cell also set with 2 alarms to make sure I dont miss the steal…unfortunatly baby and hubby dont always agree to this! ;) And the days I miss are ALWAYS the days I wanted (read needed) that steal! Im not a morning person at all, but since becoming a huge fan of BS, mornings are my fav!

Jennifer Saunders February 24th, 2010 at 9:38 pm - #12302

My three year old daughter unfortunately has learned that she can ask for pretty much whatever after breakfast, and I’ll give it to her, just to make sure she stays occupied through 8 am!!!

Jenny February 24th, 2010 at 9:38 pm - #12303

…to steal or not to steal? That is my daily question! My mornings are centered around being at the computer for 11am EST. More than once I have been unable to get to a computer and have had to call a friend to check the site for me – friend thinks I’m crazy, but I’m sure you can all relate! :)

vanessa m February 24th, 2010 at 9:40 pm - #12304

I have been stealing since 2008 and had to always take ‘break’ time just at the precise moment during the teaching day! Now, I am on the last little bit of maternity leave and I am already trying to come up with different reasons to excuse myself during my daily 9am MST meetings! I’m sure my list will surely grown once I return to work on the 1st of March!!

Thank you so much for the awesome deals and the great customer service! You all are so great!! Thanks~~

Heather February 24th, 2010 at 9:44 pm - #12305

I am a total Babysteals addict! I try to stick close to home during Steals time, but that is not always possible. One time, I was having brunch with my in-laws while stealing on my phone under the table.

Misty February 24th, 2010 at 9:49 pm - #12307

The craziest time for me (and my husband will validate he thinks I was insane) was we were 20 mins from going under the knife for a csection for my little boy to be born and I asked my husband to bring me my laptop so I could check babysteals :) The nurse even had to go and ask what the wireless passcode was :) Just had to grab that last deal for the little guy :) thanks babysteals your the best!

Rebecca Tripp February 24th, 2010 at 9:50 pm - #12308

I have yet to steal, but I religiously check every morning. There have been many steals that I have remorse for not buying afterwards. I have all 3 tabs open at 10:58 and refresh promptly at 11am. My computer is never farther than arms reach and my 2 year old and 6 month old are strategically preoccupied so I can check the steals!!

Not crazy but I have been out and stopped what I am doing at 11am to check the steals!!!

Nadia February 24th, 2010 at 9:52 pm - #12310

For me its one of 3 possible ways:

Baby sleeping in my arms as I sit in chair and refresh refresh refresh from 10:59am and on!

Baby crying in my arms as I bounce and “Shh shhh shhh” and refresh refresh refresh from 10:59am and on!


Baby Nursing and I have my morning coffee in arms reach as I refresh refresh refresh from 10:59am and on!

Regan Heise February 24th, 2010 at 9:54 pm - #12312

I snuck out of one of our marriage counseling sessions to “use the bathroom” so I could get on my iPhone and steal the item of the day. My husband was none the wiser, but did ask why I had to take my phone to the bathroom with me. We then preceeded to spend the rest of the session talking about how I am always on my phone and can’t even leave it to go to the bathroom, ha ha silly boys. If that isn’t dedication, then I don’t know what is, ha ha.

Tamara D. February 24th, 2010 at 9:57 pm - #12313

I love mat leave… not very often do I have to be somewhere other than in front of my computer at 8am when the steal comes up. I get out of bed that early on the weekend too, even though I know it will likely be something I’ve seen before. And babysteals has actually made me look forward to Monday mornings – something I never thought would happen!

Kara February 24th, 2010 at 9:59 pm - #12314

I am also a Babysteals addict (as my facebook status currently admits). I have a month to go before my little one makes his arrival so currently I have a BS buddy who is home on Mat leave who can check the steals for me while I am at work! We have a good idea of what we are both looking for and so I get a call on my cell at work just after 11:00 (EST) when it is a great steal! Last week she couldn’t get ahold of me so just bought one of each of the Baby Legs knowing that I would want them! Good thing that she has a girl and I am expecting a boy so we can split them without much of a fight!

Erica P. February 24th, 2010 at 10:00 pm - #12315

Well, I am new to Baby Steals and Kid Steals….so I don’t have any crazy stories yet! But, I am lucky that I have my iPhone so that I can see both the websites!!! I almost considered missing church Sunday in case the Ally Zabba’s came out at 9am. (Was going to go to a later service instead!!)

Andrea February 24th, 2010 at 10:04 pm - #12316

At work, ( I am a nurse) I say I am gong to go pump, but I always take a portable work computer with me. That way no one will bug me unless I’m really needed for a few minutes. I also have to take my Iphone because the work computer blocks out popups and won’t show the drop down menus for sizes ext. I tend to also stalk facebook right before 9 to see if there are any hints. Totally addicted, just ask my annoyed husband!

lindsey s. February 24th, 2010 at 10:05 pm - #12317

i wish i was as die hard… being in salt lake, i don’t have to wake up too early.. my kids wake me up anyway… but being pregnant and soooo tired i usually just want to go back to bed after my son goes to school… but i do hold of my morning nap to check babysteals!! i do love all of the die hards on facebook.. :)

Emily February 24th, 2010 at 10:06 pm - #12318

I think the craziest thing Ive done…so far..is one Sunday I was at church and I literally pushed my brother (who has internet on his phone) outta the pew, made him go outside on his phone and relay the steal to me via text while I was still sitting in church. He was rather annoyed, but I think he enjoyed the excuse to escape lol :) Other then that I always make sure naptime is during 11am EST :)

Naomi S February 24th, 2010 at 10:07 pm - #12319

I used to have church @ 11am MST but it switched to 9 am. I am always late to church now!! I have also called my husband to let me know what is up. I volunteer at my son’s school in the morning so I tell the teacher I have to step out for a minute. My husband knows to be ready for my call!!

tammy l February 24th, 2010 at 10:08 pm - #12320

i am pretty new to babysteals…but LOVE it. I must confess that I must be addicted because my family is now attending 12:00 mass on Sundays so I can see the steal at 10 am central time

Alicia B February 24th, 2010 at 10:09 pm - #12321

My husband was doing some wiring in the house one day and without telling me he unplugged our internet at 10:30 (I steal at 11:00) Luckily I finished up the breakfast dishes early so I sat down at the laptop (which he bought me for Christmas so that I would spend less time in the office checking the fan page…now I can stay in the family room with him and the kids and stalk at the same time!) and found I had no internet access. I frantically asked him if he knew why it wasn’t working and gave him an antsy, “Don’t you know it’s almost 11:00?” As he teased me by saying there was nothing he could do right then he quickly realized I meant business, stopped what he was doing and plugged it in for me.
On another occasion, I had to be somewhere at 11:15 so I made sure I had my kids dressed, strapped them both in their carseats and then told my son, (who is 2) that I forgot my keys and had to run back inside. It wasn’t until after I had checked the steals that I realized it was silly to make up an excuse to my toddler!

Ani (aka Ani KS) February 24th, 2010 at 10:13 pm - #12323

Funny enough that this is the question of the day because my best friend Fotini and I were just discussing a great measure to be taken today. You see, I am a teacher and I have found a way to “adjust” my students snack time to after recess to allow me 10 mins for steal time daily at 11am. Its actually the most intense time of my day (despite the fact that my day is spent with 20 6yr olds, lol) as my friend Fotini and I are texting or msn messaging at the same time as stealing to make sure we have both nabbed it.

Well this is all fine and dandy during the 10 month school year. But my hubby and I (foolishly, without “stealing” in mind for a blink of a moment) planned a big trip to Europe this summer for 22 days. Now all that I can think about is steal time. But my ever dear friend has assured me that we will have each others backs. I spent the evening trying to find hotels with WIFI and trying to figure out time zones for steal time.
6 months in advance and I am already nervous. Thank goodness for wonderful friends. If it wasnt for her being pregnant with her beautiful daughter, I wouldnt have started shopping online for her and would never have found babysteals. Life is so exciting on a daily basis. Yes, im much poorer, but yet oh so happy. Thanks babysteals team. U ROCK!

Elaine February 24th, 2010 at 10:18 pm - #12324

I am a complete Babysteals addict. Babysteals happens at 8 am for me (PST). That is exactly when I’m commuting to work (8:30 am and I live in LA so it takes me 1 hr to get to work). I’ve`actually picked up my child with him only partially dressed, put him in the car and left EARLY so that I can be at work at 8 am to catch the steal. Not fun with a 4 yr old screaming that he doesn’t have socks on!

Shanna February 24th, 2010 at 10:28 pm - #12325

Well lucky for me steal time is at 8am and since my ds gets up at 6:30 I have time to wake up, make coffee, feed him and get settled in front of the computer to check out the steals. Sadly because of my addiction, even on days when my dh wakes up early so I can sleep in, I still find myself setting my alarm for 7:55 am so I can check the steals on my iphone in bed! No more sleeping in for me!

Laura February 24th, 2010 at 10:33 pm - #12326

Hmmm…nothing too crazy. If I have to go somewhere for work I make sure someone else is driving so I can check the steal right at 8 (pst). If I am home I make sure the computer is turned on, warmed up, and logged onto the site so I can refresh right at 8. Babysteals really has become an addiction!

Alicia February 24th, 2010 at 10:37 pm - #12327

I work graveyard 4 nights a week. I’m supposed to come home and go right to bed. But some days i can’t help myself especially if there has been a hint the day before i feel even more compelled to check the page. ( even when it’s something i don’t need ) And i’ll check it a few times during the day to make sure that there have been no extra special steals that day. I know i have a problem and you know what I”M OKAY WITH IT!!!!

I <3 you BS!!!!

Nichole Diemert February 24th, 2010 at 10:39 pm - #12328

So I am not too crazy… Well I am, but I am usually around for the steal. But I do set my alarm for 8:55 just in case I sleep in (ya right) and I start refreshing non-stop until the steal posts. I don’t answer my phone, ignore my kids’ yelling, and I make sure all my appointments I can leave after nine, just in case! But I check every day even when I know what it is.

SarahT February 24th, 2010 at 10:41 pm - #12329

I read… (ok, stalk) the BabySteals Facebook fan page to look for hints about upcoming steals. When an item is posted that I’ve been wanting, I go to bed dreaming about it. When we found out the Zabbas were coming up, I had a couple sleepless nights in anticipation of getting one of these much sought-after blankets (yeah, that’s embarrassing, but I know some of you relate!)

Every morning at 9:57am CST, I grab my son and we head to the playroom aka computer room where he hangs out playing and I log in to check the day’s steals.

Ooh, I’m already excited to see what tomorrow will bring… :)

Heather D February 24th, 2010 at 10:44 pm - #12330

One morning right after I had my baby boy, I was hoping to find a particular steal. He was desperate to eat and my three year old needed his breakfast too. So I had my newborn nursing, pouring cereal for my 3 year old, and pressing the refresh button on my laptop with my pinky…go super mom!

Gurjit B February 24th, 2010 at 10:55 pm - #12331

I’m still pretty new to BS but am already addicted. I sleep with my cell on my nightstand next to my itouch. I set alarms on both for 0756 PST, and then just steal while half asleep. Evenings I spend time on the sites looking for hints. Love this site!!

Lisa V February 24th, 2010 at 11:01 pm - #12332

I walk out of my office and stand in the front lobby hallway lifting my iPhone to the ceiling while trying to get a signal to check your website. People pass by me and must think I am crazy.

Annadette Moore February 24th, 2010 at 11:02 pm - #12333

Well, since I’ve hit late-pregnancy, I’ve been struck with insomnia, which usually doesn’t let me get to sleep until 2 or 3am most nights. Despite barely being able to function the next day, the hormone surges just seem to keep me up all night in deep thought. When I found out how Babysteals and Kidsteals worked, the concept was immediately intriquing to a “shopaholic” like me. One evening I figured from the Facebook Fan Page hint that we would probably be getting babylegs the following morning as a steal. I REALLY needed some babylegs! So, the night before, rather than turning out the light at my usual 2 or 3am, I looked at the clock and worried that I might not wake up in time – surely those babies would sell out quick! Despite my common sense (which does seem to be lacking slightly lately!), instead of going to bed I figured it would be safer to just press on until morning. And I stayed awake right until 9am. Oh yeah, and I got those babylegs! Woohoo! It was like winning first prize! That day, as I recall, was particularly exhausting. Now I’ve learned to set two alarms…(well, I didn’t say I was a quick learner!) I LOVE babysteals!!!!!!!

Rachel February 24th, 2010 at 11:04 pm - #12334

It’s 11AM in my timezone!! I always check out the facebook page for hints the night before so I can research :) . I usually check via my phone so I can easily do it with my kids no matter where we are. I always check babysteals first, then go to kidsteals (I’m not a scrapbooker). I have it on my homescreen so it quickly opens up the steals site. I do this at 19:59am then refresh every 5 seconds.

Cathy February 24th, 2010 at 11:06 pm - #12335

When I was visiting our home in Arizona a couple weeks ago, there was no internet connection set up, not until my MIL/FIL came down a week after us. We were going to head to McDonalds or Starbucks to get free Wi-Fi but to get 3 kids ready in the morning was extremely difficult. I was able to find an open connection, which wasn’t really strong but it worked. I walked around the house with the laptop in my hand to get a stronger connection….My husband and sister were laughing at me but I needed to get onto the net to see the “steals” every morning. I found the best spot-standing on the couch with the laptop pointing out the window with the blinds opened…lol. But after a few days, the neighbor found out that we were using his internet connection and cut us off. They change the user name to “uthoughtuweregettingondidya” so then I was cut off from checking the steals :( I am so addicted to Baby Steals, Kid Steals and Scrapbook Steals. I’ll have to figure something out when I head back to work in less than a month…hehe.

Emily Sultan February 24th, 2010 at 11:08 pm - #12336

I have an alarm set for every single morning at 7:59 a.m. I’m awake already, it’s just to remind myself to get to the computer! And usually with a few seconds to spare. I never schedule anything in the morning either, babysteals take priority! :)

DiVw February 24th, 2010 at 11:08 pm - #12337

I bribed my 2 1/2 daughter with toys, “special” cereal (dry Lucky Charms in a bowl), books, TV show, etc, all in the name of keeping her busy and her mind off breakfast, just so I can get to my computer and check the steals!

Chalane February 24th, 2010 at 11:13 pm - #12338

I have a daily alarm at 7:58 am PST on my iphone. I find that gives me just enough time to wake up, verify my internet connection is OK; and if not, I can run to reset my router and still make it to load up the site at 8:00 am sharp! But I can usually get by by stealing under the covers w/o waking the hubby :)

Carrie Burns February 24th, 2010 at 11:17 pm - #12339

I’m a SAHM so I’m usually here to check the steals but in Jan. DD2 started preschool which starts at 9am Tuesdays and Thursdays! On Zabba day she was the first kid there (can be as early as 8:45) and I didn’t stay to calm her down, just handed my screaming 3 year old to the teacher and said “she’ll be fine”.
My laptop is in our living room right beside our kitchen but over a couch so I’ll get all the sites set-up, logged in to KS by 8:45 then I start feeding the baby breakfast and when the clock say 8:59 I’ll throw myself over the couch to reach the laptop and start hitting refresh. If it’s not something I want, I go back to feeding the baby, if it’s something I ‘need’ I go running around the couch to sit comfortably.

Jess Bowman February 24th, 2010 at 11:17 pm - #12340

Well hubby has to be to work by 9am, but always leaves at 9am… so I’m usually kissing him goodbye, with one hand clicking the refresh button. I always appreciate when the kids say, “Mom, what are you buying me?” right in front of him.

He knows that whatever it is that I bought that day will always turn out to be awesome! I get so many compliments, including mommy’s that want me to do their kids’ shopping! So many of them have turned into… stealn’ addicts themselves!


Aileen February 24th, 2010 at 11:18 pm - #12341

Let’s just say I had to get an iPhone when my mat leave was over. So if I’m not at home at 8am pst I check the steals at a stop light and see if I need to pull over!

Jackie February 24th, 2010 at 11:18 pm - #12342

8 am is breakfast time at our house so I am always either stalling so my ds won’t be in the middle of breakfast, or trying to hurry him so he will be finished in time. Our computer is upstairs and I can’t stand to run up and check while he is eating.

Summer February 24th, 2010 at 11:29 pm - #12343

Craziest thing I’ve done for a steal was request to stay in the hospital for an extra hour to have more practice breastfeeding(total lie cause my son already had it mastered and I was dying to be discharged) I was to be discharged just before the new steal came up and I knew I wouldn’t be able to check the steal if I was in between the hospital and home! Jeez I love all the steals sites!!!

Teresa Moseley February 24th, 2010 at 11:49 pm - #12344

Multitasking. With the baby in one arm, and one hand holding her bottle, I have my other hand refreshing at 9AM!

Missy February 24th, 2010 at 11:53 pm - #12345

I definitely multitask too! I’m glad my computer’s in my kitchen so I can keep getting the kids ready for school and check and check and check!

Niki February 24th, 2010 at 11:56 pm - #12346

Luckily, I have my trusty iPhone RIGHT by my bed so when 8:00 rolls around, if I am lucky enough to still be in bed having a 4 month old and a 2 1/2 year old.. I am prepared! LOL I haven’t had to get too crazy yet, but was up WAY early the day the Zabbas were on cause I was determined to get one. But I tend to look at the BS fanpage WAY TOO OFTEN! But it is the best fanpage on facebook! Love it

Tammy February 25th, 2010 at 12:13 am - #12347

Since I discovered this site last month it’s become part of my routine. Alarm set – check. Baby still sleeping – check. Computer on and ready to go – check. Baby wakes up early – oh oh, I guess she’ll have to help me log on.

Amber February 25th, 2010 at 12:24 am - #12348

Ignoring the latched-on nursing baby, toddler with pendulous, questionable diaper waddling around, and three other kids begging for breakfast isn’t too ridiculous… that’s how all my most important priorities get met these days.

angie February 25th, 2010 at 12:54 am - #12349

fortunately i’m on maternity leave right now, so i’m pretty much in control of my schedule…well, make that my 2 year old and 4 month old are in control! ha. i may be known to plop my boy down in front of a little play with me sesame at 7:58. Thank goodness for On Demand! And when I was working, let’s just say my outlook calendar is blocked out so no meetings are scheduled during that time! ha. can’t wait to see tomorrow’s new brand and product steal!!!

Magdalena February 25th, 2010 at 1:46 am - #12350

You want crazy? Here’s CRAZY…
I only joined January this year, but it didn’t take me long to realize that I had to readjust my whole life to make Babysteals and Kidsteals a priority. I used to do amateur addiction things, like scatter cheerios on the exersaucer for the baby, and pause a PVRed episode of “Little Bear” for my 3-year-old, to start precisely at 8:55 am MST. But since then, I have taken it to a whole new level. I realized that preschool starting at 9 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays was seriously cutting into my stealing time – I have since transferred my 3-year-old to an afternoon preschool class. I will be returning to work after mat leave in April, and realized an 8 am start time will not allow me to be at a computer at 9 am – so I have arranged with my manager to start at 9 am, so I can use my first 15 minutes of “office time” in the most “efficient” manner possible. Today’s hair appointment was strategically made for 10 am, next week’s dentist appointment for 11am, and next month’s vaccinations rescheduled from 9:15 am to 11:15 am. I’ve adjusted my kids to a later bedtime so they will still be sleeping at 9 am. My steals buddy and I sign onto Facebook at 8:50 am to allow for minor hiccups, and it gives us time to exchange info about hints over the chat. Four tabs are open: Facebook, Babysteals, Kidsteals and Gmail. At 8:58 am a phone call is placed and we wait…. refresh…refresh…refresh…. Go Time! Silence…. then single words are used: “Yes” or “No.” We’ve also recently talked about the possibility of Skype-ing so we can read one another honestly and not tie up the phone line, which looks suspicious to the hubbies. Unfortunately, this is not made up. I actually do have it that BAAAAAAAAD!

toni February 25th, 2010 at 2:05 am - #12351

So fun reading these! Another teacher here, but on the west coast–steals at 8am, school starts at 8:15 (a match made in heaven)! I would set up for the day, grab my steal, enjoy my coffe and pick up my second graders from the yard :) . Now that I’m a SAHM, my LO wakes at 7:45 and plays till 8 and I go in and get her after checking the steal–so I’ve always been pretty lucky. BUT I will say that I have turned down subbing jobs recently b/c we got a great hint and I couldn’t take a chance on missing the steal :)

Val February 25th, 2010 at 2:47 am - #12352

I haven’t done anything too crazy but we are stationed in Japan and the steals post at 1am our time so I have an alarm set for 12:55am and wake up to check every single night..I can’t help it I’m addicted :)

Kristi February 25th, 2010 at 3:48 am - #12353

Ok I have a new BIG addiction to BS!!! I have 3 month old Triplets, I put them on a new schedule where they are up at 4:30am to eat that way as soon as i am done around 5:30am or so I can be available for BS! Here is hawaii the steals are at 6am, I am sure as soon as my triplets no longer wake up in the am I will set my cell phone alarm! What can i say I love trying to get a good “STEAL”!!!!! Thanks baby steals!!!!

Karen February 25th, 2010 at 4:31 am - #12354

I was definitely checking bs when I was in active labor with my little girl a week ago. Thank god for the iPhone!

Briana February 25th, 2010 at 6:24 am - #12355

I never schedule any meetings that will go past 11am EST!

Arianne February 25th, 2010 at 6:48 am - #12356

My friends sister introduced me to this site. I thought sure why not, then it became a daily addiction to know what’s the steal. Then I noticed people were knowing the steals…how? Checked the blog/discussion boards and look what I learn. Now it’s a daily search for the hints. My cousin’s wife is pregnant, why not share this addiction. Now it’s a daily search for the hint,and emails, did you get the steal? ahhhh! Can’t wait for my baby legs to get in (my first steal and sure not to be my last) =)

Leanne February 25th, 2010 at 6:52 am - #12357

For us, steal time is 11 a.m. I get my babies up from their nap, all ready to go for the day but we wait to go anywhere until after 11 so I can see what the steal of the day is!! Pathetic… ya I know :)

Moe February 25th, 2010 at 6:57 am - #12358

Since I am on the east coast I have to get ready for the steals at 11. Usually if I am home it is not an issue since I have had my computer on for a bit and can just take a quick look. If I am not home though I start to go into a panic. I have found that I have made my plans for the day around getting back home just before 11 to see the steals. If I can’t make it I have called my husband at work to have him check (needless to say he thinks I am insane)!
On one occasion I was out and he was not at his desk, I found myself driving to the nearest Panera that had free wifi, pulled up in front and loaded the steals on my iTouch. I think I have a bit of a problem!

missy February 25th, 2010 at 7:00 am - #12359

I slept with the lap top in between me and my husband.

Danielle S. February 25th, 2010 at 7:01 am - #12360

Well the craziest thing I have done to be on babysteals.com etc. At 11 am my time is to have my entire office pull over at McD’s while driving to Boston, MA from VT for convention. Once we got to the “bathroom break” spot I realized the wifi was down so I called my hubby and my best friend at work to check the “steals” for me they were both like what aren’t you driving… yaya just tell me the steal! :)
I am a bit addicted I do say :)

Denise February 25th, 2010 at 7:16 am - #12361

Luckily I have been pretty lucky in being able to plan my whole day around being home at 11am (my time). Once, I was given an appointment time of 11:15 and asked if I could reschedule as I had previous engagements for 11am :)

Roberta February 25th, 2010 at 7:40 am - #12362

I usually plan the day around the steal time. I try to make all my appts for after 11:00 so I don’t miss any steals. When I was pregnant I made sure all my prenatal checkups were for the afternoon so I wouldn’t miss any steals. To further the addiction I just got hubby to buy me a Droid so I can steal from my phone if I can’t be home!

Jill February 25th, 2010 at 7:53 am - #12363

MATERNITY LEAVE! I don’t know what I am going to do when I go back to work and can’t check the daily steals!

Joy February 25th, 2010 at 8:02 am - #12364

It’s all about the 10am steal of the day. If I dont see it first my best friend sends me a txt or I see it on my phone via FB. We then decide who’s gonna buy and we buy 2 so shipping is less! Yay for Baby/Kids/Scrap Steals!!

Emily February 25th, 2010 at 8:07 am - #12365

I am a Babysteals/Kidsteals stalker…it’s true! At 10:55 EST, I refresh the websites to the point of embarrassment. My whole house shuts down…no calls will be answered, no dogs will be walked, and I think my baby somehow knows not to cry. It’s an addiction!

Sarah Meunier February 25th, 2010 at 8:12 am - #12366

Like everyone else, I plan my days around steal time. When I was in the Dominican I had my mom checking the steals for me back home in case anything came up that I’ve been waiting for. As a back up I would steal my husband’s BlackBerry to make sure my mom wasn’t missing anything.

Jill February 25th, 2010 at 8:14 am - #12367

I picked my naked baby up off of the change table, ran to the computer with him, checked the site (shoes – darn, he had club feet so no shoes for us at that point) and returned to changing him.

Alicia Wallenberg February 25th, 2010 at 8:30 am - #12368

I ran out of my bosses office one day at 9am in the middle of a conference call meeting to get back to my office to check the steal that day. hehe, that is what addiction will do to you!

Melissa B. February 25th, 2010 at 8:34 am - #12369

Ridiculous? Probably not in many peoples eyes, but I have contemplated missing a staff meeting (luckily it started later since I was just late to it!), I have woken my son up early to ensure he was fed so I’d have time to get on, and I stop everything that I’m doing at work to check. Not real exciting, but I have made it part of my routine!

Jenny February 25th, 2010 at 8:35 am - #12370

I’m at GST +8 so stealing time is 12mn here. My daughter usually goes to bed at 9pm (and I follow shortly thereafter) so I either (1) set my alarm for 12mn or (2) have my husband wake me up at steals time – he’s a late sleeper or (3) surf surf surf, read wiki, anything just to stay awake until 12mn!!

Anna Gray February 25th, 2010 at 8:38 am - #12371

I really don’t do anything like plan my days around steal time (unless I know its going to be good) Usually the kids are both napping and its my time to be on the computer. Nothing like some of these moms!

Lisa Abel February 25th, 2010 at 8:49 am - #12372

I always make sure I am at my desk at 9 AM for the steals. I was a little to late this morning and missed the chair tie. I am expecting my first grandchild and I really loved it. I hope it comes back soon!!

Donna February 25th, 2010 at 8:50 am - #12373

Luckily I have an iPhone, so I can check the babysteals from anywhere. I have even been known to sit in the car outside somewhere that I am going waiting to check the steal before I go in. I am a teacher, and two days a week I have a social skills group that I teach at 11am EST, and my coworkers now know that I need 30 seconds to check the babysteal at that time, just in case. That was the way I was able to get my zabbas!

Brooke February 25th, 2010 at 8:51 am - #12374

So I am a waitress for a living. I have a daughter and one on the way. So I worked Superball sunday until 3am got home at 4am finally feel asleep. My hubby got up with my 2 year old at 8am I heard screaming! I got up went downstairs to find my hubby holding her arm and saying she feel and i think its broken. So we went to pediatrician(he wanted to see it first)Sat there for 2 hours. He sent us to a local hospital were we sat in er for 10 hours. They sent us to a children’s hospital an hour and a half away. For us to sit over 12 hours in the er. By the time we got hom it was tuesday morning 9am. Everyone in my house went to bed my hubby goes r you coming? He then just laughed as I checked the steal before coming to bed!. Here I am preggo it’s tues morning I haven’t really slept since sat night and im checking the steals! (P.S my daughter is fine fractured elbow cast coming off in 2 weeks!)

Melanie Mercier February 25th, 2010 at 8:56 am - #12375

Last week-end I was supposed to meet up with my girlfriends that I haven’t seen for 6 months at 11h (my babysteals time). I couldn’t miss the steal, so I texted them saying I was going to be late due to “pregnancy stuff”… No one who has never been pregnant will ask more questions about pregnancy stuff! lol

keighty February 25th, 2010 at 9:00 am - #12376

I’m an intern. What my supervisor thinks of me can make or break my career post-graduation. For her, punctuality is a great sign of respect, but our supervision time (an hour long one-on-one meeting) is at 9 a.m. MST. If I get the inkling that the steal is something I can’t live without, I’ll play the “pregnancy card” (”Sorry, the little one is dancing on my bladder…” or “So sorry! I didn’t realize morning sickness could last this long in a pregnancy!”) and be just a couple minutes late so I can get my fix. I don’t know if my addiction has gotten stronger since becoming pregnant, but I don’t think my daughter will mind me using her as an excuse to get really cute stuff!

Jo Keating February 25th, 2010 at 9:02 am - #12377

I don’t usually have any problem getting on to check out the daily steal as I am either home or if not just check on my Iphone. One day I had to have a test for Lactose tolerance. I had my Iphone..all set. Well I get there for my 3 hour test and realize that the signal is too weak to access the internet there and the free wifi at the hospital would only work for laptops and not phones. I texted my husband and he called me and explained what the steals were over the phone so that I could know. He was just as panicked as I was cause he knew I would be upset if it was something I “needed” and couldn’t get it fast enough. Not a crazy but that was the only time I couldn’t check myself. And I was on the verge of leaving my appointment to check!

jt February 25th, 2010 at 9:06 am - #12378

i’m actually in hong kong right now (thank goodness for my parents in the states), so luckily the steals happen at night for me- though 9am MST = midnight HK time! So i’m sure to make sure to stay up until then EVERY night!!

Angela February 25th, 2010 at 9:09 am - #12379

Most of the time I am just nursing the babe.

christine February 25th, 2010 at 9:15 am - #12380

I chose to not take a baby/mom swim class that was at 9:00…sad but true!

michelle r February 25th, 2010 at 9:23 am - #12381

Ok the craziest thing I did for a babysteals 9am steal – I had a baby on Jan 26th 2010 – it was a planned csection – It was scheduled for 730am because I was promised by my doctor it would only take a hour and I would be in the recovery room before 9am which was fine by me because then my husband could take out the iphone in that room and look up the steal at 9am and let me know what it was and if we should buy it. Pretty sad that I am so addicted that I plan my doctor appts, dental appointments (I once got my teeth cleaned at 9am and made the hygenist wait until the steal was posted), and csections around that 9am hour! LOVE BABYSTEALS! Jana rocks the house!

Meagan February 25th, 2010 at 9:24 am - #12382

There have been times that I have found something cute that I wanted, but saw that wihin minutes it has been sold out,..so I can’t let that happen again! I make sure to check the site first thing in the morning and keep refreshing the page until the deal of the day is posted! I love this site!

Melissa D. February 25th, 2010 at 9:26 am - #12383

All of my friends and family know that it is just unacceptable to call my home between 9:55-10:25CST! That is my steal time and I will not deviate from the schedule!

Patricia Wojna-Onderdonk February 25th, 2010 at 9:40 am - #12384

On the weekends, my husband sleeps in (which is a great thing!!!)…to keep him in bed at 11am EST (so i can try to sneak some new steals without him knowing), I drive to Tim Hortons and get him coffee and breakfast…i put the tv in the bedroom on anything SPORTS, and it’s been working so far!

Shelley Johnson February 25th, 2010 at 9:43 am - #12385

The steals are posted at 10:00am here and I used to have a standing Tuesday appointment at 10:00. When I found out about this site I used to go late to the appointment on purpose tocheck the steall. NowI have cancelled the appointment altogether. I NEVER plan anything around that time so I can always be at my desk!

Carrie McD February 25th, 2010 at 9:47 am - #12386

So, I think I’m going to move West so that the steal time isn’t right in the middle of my day…If it were at 8 or 9 am for me, I wouldn’t ever miss anything!

Oriel Lucero February 25th, 2010 at 9:53 am - #12387

I used taking a shower as my excuse to leave the room. As I waited for the steal to update, the water was warming up. That day there were issues with the site and I ran out of hot water in the shower waiting for the the steal to update. I couldn’t admit what I was doing that whole time and had to shower in cold cold water.

Jessica K February 25th, 2010 at 9:54 am - #12388

I started taking a shower one day and realized that I would be in there at 10:00, steal time. So I got out of the shower, checked the steal and then got back in and finished my shower.

Pam February 25th, 2010 at 9:55 am - #12389

Nursing the baby with one hand and checking BS with the other!!

G Carroll February 25th, 2010 at 9:57 am - #12390

One of the most silly things I’ve done to check out BS is figure out the new time I will have to look at the web site since I live 9 hour ahead of MST.

Jennifer February 25th, 2010 at 10:02 am - #12392

I came into work sick (I should’ve stayed at home in bed!) and I’m 8 months pregnant so I could check babysteals and kidsteals! LOL…my computer at home is too slow to load the websites! I love it; I’m addicted!! The deals are incredible! The fact that you deliver to Canada is a bonus!! My DH not so much; he’s not appreciating all the extra bills coming in!

Amber February 25th, 2010 at 10:09 am - #12393

I only learned about baby/kid steals a few weeks ago. I started out waiting for the notices on my itouch. I finally realized I was getting them too late to actually “steal” anything. Now I am up everyday by 8:55, sitting by my computer with all of the steal networks up ready to be refreshed. My baby sleeps in the same room as the computer and I’ve often had to sneak in there while she was sleeping to login. I usually end up with a great steal and a cranky woken up baby :-)
How sad is it that my 3 yr old now asks on a daily basis “Mommy, what do I have coming in the mail today?” lol.

Julianne February 25th, 2010 at 10:13 am - #12394

I’m on the East Coast so I check my deals at 11am which is prime meeting time in my office…So I have a reacurring appointment on my work calendar so that no one tries to book me a meeting! I had been waiting and wiating for Robeez to come back and I had a stupid meeting at 11am so I missed my favorite steal! THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN! LOL…What can I say…I love a good bargain!

Fawn February 25th, 2010 at 10:16 am - #12395

I don’t have that great of a story, but I do schedule all my work meetings around steal time. I do sneak all my packages into the house and when my husband asks “when did you get that?” I just say, oh I don’t know, we have had that for awhile. . .

Carlee Shirts February 25th, 2010 at 10:16 am - #12396

Every morning, I race to get my daughter up, dressed, and eating breakfast by 8:58 so that I can be on the computer by 8:59, and refreshing babysteals and kidsteals websites (that are my homepages) by 9:00 on the dot!

Anne February 25th, 2010 at 10:17 am - #12397

Glued to the computer until about 11:30, taking my sweet time deciding whether to “steal or not to steal” :) Then I make lunch for baby and me. How fun!

Meghan B. February 25th, 2010 at 10:22 am - #12398

As soon as my husband leaves to work i turn on the computer and patiently wait to see what the steals are going to be even when i have absolutely no money to spend on anything. Just seeing it pop up at 8 in the morning makes me feel like i can start my day.

Amanda February 25th, 2010 at 10:24 am - #12399

I’m at work at 9AM MT (it’s 11AM EST) and am typically heading to a meeting. So, I wait until 11:05AM to ensure that the new steal is up. Check it out. Make my purchase. And then apologize to my meeting attendees for being late due to my requirement to hit the ‘potty’ on the way to the meeting! What people don’t know won’t hurt them right??

Kellie February 25th, 2010 at 10:34 am - #12400

Steal time is 11 am here, the middle of 4th period, and I teach high school English. I was in the middle of a discussion/lecture situation at 11:00, so I told students to quickly get out a sheet of paper and write down their thoughts/questions on what we had discussed so far, while I ran to the computer to check out the steals!

Helen February 25th, 2010 at 10:35 am - #12401

WE could be out to breakfast and my husband, who is appalled at my addiction, will look at his Blackberry and taunt me with the steal of the day until i eventually pry the phone out of his hands to see it. Now that I am expecting my second, my addiction has doubled!

Susan Rus February 25th, 2010 at 10:35 am - #12402

I hardly miss a chance at a steal because I am so used to checking that it has become part of my daily routine/body clock. I am very lucky that I was able to get 2 years off from teaching!

Julie S February 25th, 2010 at 10:37 am - #12403

I am fortunate that I am able to check while at work or at home most days. However, when I am not near a computer I am able to check on my Blackberry at 10 am CST…luckily there has only been one day that I “had to have” the steal when I was away from the computer. I was about one hour from the nearest potential computer with Internet…so I “beat it” there to my District Office – asked to borrow a computer and logged in and was able to buy the Baby Signing Times! I am SO GLAD I did! One of the best steals by far!

I am also a babysteals-holic and religiously check the FB Fan Page for hints and tips from other BS mommas! LOVE Babysteals! Thanks to all of you for offering unique, high quality items at a great price!

Ciera Mckenzie February 25th, 2010 at 10:53 am - #12404

Well, here in Gresham, OR, the steal comes at 8am, so I have to make sure I’m not in the middle of our morning routine of getting my two little boys ready to go to daycare and my getting ready for work. I have been late to work many times because of the time it takes not just to check Babysteals but kidsteals and scrapbooksteals as well. I’m very addicted to all three websites and when my husband checks the mail and sees one of your gray packages, he just sighs and rolls his eyes. I love you guys!!

Lizzie Ater February 25th, 2010 at 11:26 am - #12405

Our wireless internet goes out, somewhat often, so I call my friend and have her tell me all about the wonderful deals on babysteals, kidsteals, and scrapbook steals!

Olivia Rempel February 25th, 2010 at 11:33 am - #12407

I schedule my day around being able to check BS. I put baby down for a nap at that time.

Leah February 25th, 2010 at 11:46 am - #12408

I try not to be out doing anything until 10am MST. my husband made one of my prenatal doc apts at 9am one day a few weeks ago. Not only was I thinking BS but wondering why he wanted to punish me!! I got to the doc’s office at 8:55am and told them I needed to go “potty”. I must of sat in there for 15 mins checking out the steal because when I came out they were all looking at me funny. :) At least I got to check BS though :)

Nicole February 25th, 2010 at 11:50 am - #12409

Lucky for me, I’m home during the day, so I don’t have to do anything too crazy to get on Babysteals! I always work my morning routine around my daily stop at the computer. My sister and I also warn each other of good Babysteals, so if I happen to not make it to the computer in time (which I don’t let happen too often), she’ll give me a phone call if it’s something she knows I want or need (of course, I do the same for her!)

Laura Cranston February 25th, 2010 at 11:53 am - #12410

I run a daycare out of my home, and have five kids plus my 19mth old. So I always set my alram for 10:50 and get out the craft table and chairs and set up “Craft time” in my office with my spill mat beneath of course ;) and let them have at it on mural paper and crayons. That way I can check the steal and keep my eyes on my kids :)

Whitney February 25th, 2010 at 12:09 pm - #12411

I haven’t gone through any crazy extremes.. YET! I’m a SAHM mom so I tend to plan my mornings around the steals. If my husband is home and we want to do something, I try to shower at 10 so that way I’m not being rushed out of the house before steal time aka checking the weather or the like. ;)

Sarah Eastman February 25th, 2010 at 12:24 pm - #12412

Babysteals.com and kidsteals.com are both apart of my daily routine. On the days I miss it, I have friends that will contact me if there is anything I would want and do the same for them. Love your site! Thanks!

Monica February 25th, 2010 at 12:37 pm - #12413

I am pretty new to babysteals… so my addiction is just in it’s growing stages!

Is it sad that I wish my mat leave would start sooner so that I would have more time to steal before baby gets here??

Candi Daley February 25th, 2010 at 1:39 pm - #12414

I don’t usually have to do anything crazy seeing as the steals come up at 12 noon my time but once I did run down the hall while nursing the baby yelling for my 12 year old to get off of my laptop.

Heather February 25th, 2010 at 1:43 pm - #12415

I haven’t done anything too crazy (because I’m usually home during that time), but I do make sure to set my alarm as a reminder!

gailsim February 25th, 2010 at 2:23 pm - #12417

I have left meetings on meetings telling the others I need to go to the bathroom or get notes off my desk. Ha!

Elizabeth February 25th, 2010 at 2:26 pm - #12418

I found out about babysteals.com through the babylegs facebook fan page at the end of August 2009…and I can honestly tell you where I have been at 9 MST every morning (with one exception, the day of my daughter’s birth, of course, which was at 8:59 am). I have a serious babysteals/kidsteals addiction and am proud of it!! I have gotten so many great deals and have been introduced to such great products through your site. I heart you guys!

LeAnn February 25th, 2010 at 2:27 pm - #12419

I haven’t done anything too crazy, but I did make sure my new phone had a browser so I could check BS every day and would never miss a steal!! I ♥ BS!

Nicole February 25th, 2010 at 3:30 pm - #12421

I haven’t done anything ridiculous yet but always make sure I’m on my computer at the time of the steals.

Elizabeth Pettit February 25th, 2010 at 3:46 pm - #12422

I live in Germany, so the steals are posted at 1700 everyday here. I haven’t done anything to ridiculous. I often take my laptop into the kitchen with me while I am cooking dinner. Lately I have been having to pick my husband up from work as he was injured in Afghan. and he can’t drive with a broken right foot and leg. He gets off work right at 5…but I usually show up 15 minutes late if I know the steal is something I “need.”

Emily February 25th, 2010 at 4:25 pm - #12423

The Saturday that the JJB BeLights were going to be a second chance steal, my in-laws were coming down for a visit to see the baby. I went to the grocery store in the morning, and when I was done, there were about 15 minutes left before the steal. I sat in the Kohl’s parking lot and played with my iPhone until it was steal time, then right at 11 am EST – BeLight stolen! Bonus = a little less time with my in-laws. :)

Carolyn February 25th, 2010 at 4:32 pm - #12424

Made my husband buy his Droid so I could steal while we were out off town for Cyber Monday.

Briana February 25th, 2010 at 4:49 pm - #12425

I am currently on bed rest and boy oh boy has that come in handy for my addiction. I no longer get to my classroom early to log onto my computer. I can be perfectly unavailable to the world from 8:00 am to 8:15. I have asked my husband not to call and I have reworked my doctor’s appointments so that I can have those few minutes to check the site! I promised myself to re-enter into the real world once I get my dream blanket and diaper bag…. until then, I am on the prowl!

Cindy Khan February 25th, 2010 at 4:50 pm - #12426

I have been sealing since July 2009. I don’t have a particular story, but whatever I am doing I stop and boot up the computer to find out the daily steal. My husband and friends think I am crazy. When I am unable to get to a computer it drives me crazy because I am thinking of the deal I am missing.

tami February 25th, 2010 at 5:02 pm - #12427

i dont have a crazy story, but i usually have a little babe sucking on my boob while i have one hand on the computer to get to the steals! :)

Harmony February 25th, 2010 at 5:10 pm - #12428

I was in the hospital and the 2nd day after my c-section I had to take a long walk through the hospital to the library to get on a computer and check babysteals!

Annalise Thomas February 25th, 2010 at 5:26 pm - #12429

the most ridiculous thing I’ve done?? There are so many!! But I guess it would be when my internet has been down, or I have been away from my computer, I text my mom, my husband, and my dad all at the same time asking them to check the steal for me, and wait to see who gets back to me first!! (Usually my mom! Ha!) :o )

Otherwise, I have of course done the “I have to pee so bad, but I can’t miss the steal, so I’ll hold it until 9:05!” ;o)

Sarah Lynch February 25th, 2010 at 5:33 pm - #12430

Checking the steal is part of my morning routine. I message a friend on Facebook every morning to make sure she has seen what the day’s steal is. I purposely don’t make plans until after the steal has posted. Most ridiculous thing I’ve done, probably after realizing what time it is running down stairs to get on the computer while still trying to breastfeed.

I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to go back to work in September!

Jill February 25th, 2010 at 5:49 pm - #12431

I arrive to work at 9:00am every morning. I log onto my computer and pull up Baby Steals. It’s never good when the boss comes to talk right at 9:00am. Sometimes I just ignore him…he doesn’t care….right?

Staci Jones February 25th, 2010 at 5:54 pm - #12432

I have an addiction to all the steals. I have had to be at the doctor at 9 multiple times and have called my husband at work so that he could check the steals for me. I also made sure that the hospital I was delivering at had wifi so that I could check them everyday. I rally hate to miss a good steal.

Elizabeth Terrill February 25th, 2010 at 8:09 pm - #12434

Like everyone else, I am very much addicted to this website. I schedule all my appointments for my son until well after steal time . . . The craziest thing I have done so far (keeping in mind I have only known of this site for about three weeks) was to carry my son, still latched during his feeding, to the living room to retrieve my laptop because I suddenly realized it was 7:58 and almost steal time . . . this wouldn’t have been so embarrasing if only my mother in law had not caught me and asked where the fire was . . . . she didn’t get it by the way, despite my fervent explanation while getting online to check the steals . . .

Kate Fiorini February 25th, 2010 at 8:13 pm - #12435

Probably sitting in front of my computer wearing a towel and nothing else. My husband thinks I’m nuts =)

Amanda February 25th, 2010 at 8:25 pm - #12436

I work from home and am usually on my computer around steal time. I make sure to take a break and check each day. And if I’m out – I get the email alerts on my phone. Oh, and my sister is in on BS and KS also – we always phone each other as soon as we see a steal the other might like. I love babysteals!

TracyC February 25th, 2010 at 8:30 pm - #12437

Sigh…I’ve only been addicted to this site for a few weeks but I’ve ALREADY changed my work schedule so I am at my desk at 8am when the STEALS hit. I’ve even gone so far as to CHANGE a meeting I had set for 8. I’m addicted and LOVIN’ it!!!

Jenn M. February 25th, 2010 at 9:00 pm - #12439

I don’t have a great story, but I am addicted to Babysteals, Kidsteals and Scrapbooksteals and check every day! I make sure the kids are occupied so I can see the daily steals!

Taryn Nergaard February 25th, 2010 at 9:06 pm - #12440

I’ve never done anything ridiculous, since I’m always home when the steals come up. However, my baby sleeps all morning and before BS I would sleep in too… NOW THAT’S ALL CHANGED! I set my alarm for 8am (that’s what time they come up here) but I’m usually WIDE awake by 7:30 just WAITING to see what the steal is that day! Even if it’s something I decide not to purchase, I’m still so “wired” from the wait that I can’t go back to sleep! Oh, and did I mention I now bring my laptop into the bedroom at night so I am even closer to my computer in the AM?

Alexi K. February 25th, 2010 at 9:18 pm - #12441

One time I made my husband finish making breakfast so I can make it to my computer in time! lol I now just work out my schedule where I can be here on time!

D’Arcy Macyk February 25th, 2010 at 9:23 pm - #12442

On vacation in Vegas with no way to check the website – texted my sister 3 timezones away to check babysteals for me, she texts me back… and the texting continues through the WHOLE PURCHASE – A&A!!! Love you babysteals :)

Kaija February 25th, 2010 at 9:29 pm - #12443

It’s not so ridiculous.. although my husband thinks it is. I have changed my sleep schedule from sleeping in regularly, to waking up at 9:30 central time so I can grab a cup of coffee and make a coherent decision about the steal of the day at 10am..

nancy February 25th, 2010 at 9:42 pm - #12444

I have been known to hop out of the shower, stop doing laundry mid-load, park the kids in the playroom, pause the exercise video, hang up the phone, or reschedule appointments just so I can check babysteals and kidsteals at 11 am eastern time!

Suzanne February 25th, 2010 at 10:07 pm - #12445

I’m not sure how ridiculous this is, but in December, I was at the salon at 11am EST for a much-needed pampering during the last trimester of my pregnancy and my husband checked the steals and called me because it was the day Baby Signing Times was the steal….needless to say, he “stole” it and we are so excited to start using it with our son! By the way, my husband is a superstar – he always checks the steals for me when I can’t, and even when I can, just to see what is being featured!! I am definitely addicted to BS/KS since first learning of the sites in October…thanks for such great steals!!

april sailor February 25th, 2010 at 10:20 pm - #12446

well, my addiction to BS hasn’t led me to do some of the crazy things that other fans have done. But, I certainly take my stealing very seriously. I am a teacher, so I strategically plan my lessons around 10:00 am so I know I can be at the computer. I switched cell phone companies so that I could steal when away from a computer and I bring a laptop any time I am out of town. 10:00 am is off limits for doctors appts or any other sort of activity (unless i can sneak a peak at the steal from my phone). :)

Val February 25th, 2010 at 10:21 pm - #12447

Had a job interview right at 11am, and showed up 5 minutes late, cause I had to check BS and KS in the car before going in!
(I did get the job however!)

Simone February 25th, 2010 at 10:53 pm - #12449

I’ve known about BabySteals since Dec. 2008, I think? So long ago… I asked my husband if he could think of anything really ridiculous that I’ve done to check the steals. He replies, “You have too many devices. It’s too easy for you.” I laughed, but it’s true. I have gone through multiple laptops, have an iPod Touch, and recently got a Droid. My iPod Touch is permanently attached to me and my laptop is never far away. He vividly remembers my early stealing days when I would come into his office (he works at home usually) at 9:01, half awake and squinting because I’m blind without my glasses, and shoving my iPod in his face asking for permission to buy or just to show him what it was. I also have anxiety attacks almost every morning, but it usually works out in my favor. :)

Brenda S February 25th, 2010 at 11:34 pm - #12450

I have to work starting at 8 AM PST (9 AM MST) three days a week and always rush off to the bathroom as soon as I walk in the door. My iPhone allows me to look up the steals and make purchases without being detected. Being 8 months pregnant, people don’t really bat an eye at my seeming urgency to use the bathroom, but I wonder what my excuse will be when I’m no longer pregnant!

Anna N. February 25th, 2010 at 11:44 pm - #12451

When I telecommuted, i would have my work computer running next to my personal computer and be able to check the sales even if i was on a conference call.

Lindsay McCray February 25th, 2010 at 11:49 pm - #12452

My daughter sleeps in until at least 10am everyday (sorry ladies – it’s true), yet I set my alarm at 7:45am everyday to check the steal. On the up side – not only do I get great steals – I’ve made it part of my work out routine. I check the steals at 8am and then launch in the Lindsay Brin workout DVDs. Me loves me my steals! ;)

Sherilynn Bouwhuis February 26th, 2010 at 2:32 am - #12453

I teach online college courses. This past Christmas, my husband, daughter, and I were staying with my in-laws who have a slow (very slow!) dial-up connection. I was afraid it wouldn’t be fast enough to nap any steals I wanted, so each morning I told my husband I needed to drive to my parents’ home one town over to check in with my students. I didn’t tell him that I made sure to make it to my parents home with its deliciously fast wireless internet before eight o’clock. I did access my online classroom, but only after I checked BabySteals!

Lisa Kurth February 26th, 2010 at 8:28 am - #12454

I’m lucky to have access to my computer at 9:00. The craziest thing is how many times I press REFRESH!

amy February 26th, 2010 at 8:48 am - #12455

Fresh out of the shower, birthday suit and all, nursing my son while logging on to babysteals. I don’t think I need to go into more detail than that…you know you have a problem when….
thanks babysteals!!

Emily February 26th, 2010 at 9:52 am - #12456

I don’t have a super crazy story- because you don’t consider navigating morning rush hour traffic with one hand and stealing on my blackberry with the other just a bit insane, do you? ;)

Linnea February 26th, 2010 at 9:56 am - #12457

I have made myself late for an appointment just so I could see the steal! Why I scheduled an appt for that time I do not know!! :) I rarely miss seeing a steal within the first 10 minutes!

Tricia Y. February 26th, 2010 at 10:00 am - #12458

As the new mom to a newborn my mornings typically consist of nursing or bouncing a crying baby while refreshing my browser until the steal shows :) The worst is when I try to sleep when she sleeps and ‘oversleep’ missing the steal. Sometimes I actually wait to take a nap until after the steal is up- though this often results in missing a nap. Nap vs Steal: Not a win-win situation, but a very difficult choice!

Katie Stouffer February 26th, 2010 at 10:18 am - #12460

Oh the things I have done at steal time! In the fall all of my kiddos were sick, at 10:55 DS1 started vomiting EVERYWHERE, all over himself, the floor, the couch, me… everywhere. I quickly stripped us down, put a towel on the couch, and then sat at my computer, in my bra and underwear, to buy the steal. I have also snuck into the bathroom with my laptop at my Moms and Preschoolers group to steal Zabba’s. I don’t have a cell phone so when I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago I made a huge oversight and booked it for 10:45, when I got out at 11:15 I then slowly drove up a residential street with my laptop trying to find a wireless connection… it was JJB day! Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Nicole February 26th, 2010 at 10:23 am - #12461

I usually make sure the kids are busy with a show or coloring so I know I won’t be interupted, if I am not at home I make sure I am in a Wi-Fi area so I can got on my iPod. Of course there are those times that I cant get on and those days I check first thing when I get home!

Amanda Traunero February 26th, 2010 at 10:36 am - #12462

Since I’m a Stay-at-home mom, I can usually check the steals if I’m home at 11am, but when I’m at my daughter’s playgroups and activities, I can’t check since I don’t have internet access on my phone. My husband thinks I am crazy when I rush to get home to check the website or yell at him for calling me at 11am. I have my current cell phone alarm set to remind me in case I have lost track of time. I have my calendar marked for when I am elgible to get a new “smart phone” from my cell phone company so I can finally access the internet from my phone! That is the only reason I want one! GOnna spend hundreds of dollars on a new phone just to save a few bucks on your Steal websites! :)

Ilene M. February 26th, 2010 at 11:11 am - #12463

I tell my husband I need some time to use the bathroom so he will entertain the little one. I take the computer in there with me at 7:58am and steal away and read the facebook comments. If I’ve taken too long my hubby will ask if I’m feeling okay. Shhhhhhh…it’s our secret:-)

Erica Hutchens February 26th, 2010 at 11:21 am - #12464

Well it’s not bad now…but when I was preggo (2 months ago I had my daughter) I was S-E-R-I-O-U-S about Baby Steals! Hubby came home for lunch one day….I was in the bathroom hurling my guts up as usual, PRAYING I’d be done in time to make it at the comp by 9:59! And low and behold I do…but who’s on the computer?? My husband. I about tore his head off so fast he didn’t have time to think. LOL. However, I did all that…… and it was something I wasn’t interested in. :( hahahaha. Oh well, hubby called me “preggosourus’ the rest of the day. :)

Sara S February 26th, 2010 at 11:47 am - #12465

I make sure to plan my day around the release of the steals! Just the other day, my daughter woke up complaining of her ears hurting so I called the doctor to bring her in….they had an appointment right away but I said I couldn’t (because I would have missed the release) and made my daughter wait another 2 hours to go to the doctor. I felt a LITTLE bit guilty when I found out that she has pretty bad double ear infection.

Stefanie K. February 26th, 2010 at 12:09 pm - #12466

I haven’t done anything too crazy, but do have my phone alarm set to go off at 7:55 everyday to make sure I get to the steal in time.

cassandra hewlett February 26th, 2010 at 12:36 pm - #12467

I left the house once without my phone … I was at the grocery store and realized at 10 to 11 (EST) that i didn’t have it … i LEFT the few groceries i had to rush home. in my defense, i knew what the steal was based on a hint and HAD to get it. :)

Lori P. February 26th, 2010 at 2:27 pm - #12468

Like everyone else, my appointments and baby groups are all planned around our 11 am steal time. I used to feed my daughter lunch at 11 so she would be sitting in her high chair and I could be on the laptop at the kitchen table. If we had to be at an appointment or somewhere without a computer….conveniently I’d always call my sister-in-law to hang out since she has an i-phone. Nothing too crazy….but I’ve picked up a few good tips from reading everyone else’s stories :)

Julie Traylor February 26th, 2010 at 2:32 pm - #12469

I’ll set the scene for you. It’s 7:00a.m. PS, pouring down rain. My Dd who is a late sleeper, is getting loaded into the car, still half alseep. We drive 20 minutes into town with our laptop to use the wi-fi at the library. That is story each morning for a week while visiting my parents in rural Oregon. I tried to expain to them my addiction to babysteals, but they just didn’t get it. In the mean time, we will be loading up and making the trip in each morning so we don’t miss anything good ( rufflebutts or squeaky shoes!!)

Shawna B. February 26th, 2010 at 2:35 pm - #12470

I, too am addicted to babysteals. I had to schedule my induction last year with my youngest. My doctor wanted me to come in at 4 am PST. Well, I made to my induction, only I was 4 hours late. What’s more, my daughter was born 13 hours later, at 9 pm. I made sure that I was up for feeding and checking my cell phone at 8 am the next morning!

Rebecca N February 26th, 2010 at 3:44 pm - #12471

I live in Ontario, Canada where the steals come up at 11am. Well we are a very busy family, but at 11am i put on gilmore girls (the show) recorded on my PVR. my DD loves only enterance music. So i replay it over and over and over again! i swear she hear it in my belly when i used to watch reruns while i was preggo!

Rebecca Pratt February 26th, 2010 at 4:46 pm - #12473

Well, at first this started as a awesome new find. I am all about DEALS. =) Now it has become an obsession! I have two alarms on my phone and as soon as I hit the light before dropping off Roxanne in the morning I always hit the light red, I look up on my phone what it is going to be for the day. Then I quickly get her dropped off and drive to my office before I even turn on the lights I have my computer on going to babysteals.com, kidsteals.com and now scrapbooksteals.com. lol.
One day there was an item I REALLY wanted and I got on right after it was up and it was already sold-out. Not knowing a client had snuck in behind me when I came into the office I turned around at my desk and said ver loudly ” Dang it, they are already sold out! Oh No.” Then my client was all curious why I was sad; I think I scared them too…
All the steals make my day. =)

Candy Danson February 26th, 2010 at 5:01 pm - #12474

I always have my 6 year old dropped off at school, I make sure my toddler is in his high chair watching Barney while eating breakfast and I grab my laptop (and iPhone..just in case..) and check baby/kid/scrapbooksteals RIGHT at 9!! :)
GREAT way to start the day! :)

Alyssa Peffers February 26th, 2010 at 5:28 pm - #12475

steal time for me comes at 8am, which is breakfast time for the kiddos. i almost always check it one handed on my droid while feeding my youngest his bottle. if its something real good than i text my friends!

Jennifer February 26th, 2010 at 5:51 pm - #12476

I’ve kept my daughter home from story time at the library if there is even a remote chance something I want comes up. I’m a teacher too, so I am pretty sure this is double bad. She doesn’t need to read, right =P

Elizabeth February 26th, 2010 at 5:53 pm - #12477

I’m a 911 dispatcher, so I work a graveyard shift from 6pm to 6am. I’m home in bed by 6:30am. I set an alarm for 7:55 so I can be logged on before 8am. Grab the steal, do a little happy dance, then back to bed! Hey, it’s not like interrupted sleep is unusual for moms anyway right? :)

Laura O. February 26th, 2010 at 5:58 pm - #12478

I’m on my iPhone feverishly checking online while feeding baby, loading the car and trying to get myself dressed for work. Not easy…but so worth it for a good “steal”!

Nicole February 26th, 2010 at 6:06 pm - #12479

No cute stories to tell, but I have my iphone alarm set and outlook at work set to remind me to check. I’ve even checked on the sly while I have a customer in front of me (since they can’t see my computer screen).

Julia February 26th, 2010 at 7:33 pm - #12480

I set the alarm for when I am home so that is easy, but sometimes I sneak into the trauma room at work (ER) if there aren’t any patients and jump on the computer to check a steal. Shhhhhh….don’t tell! The iphone comes in handy too!

Carla W February 26th, 2010 at 7:50 pm - #12481

When I was on maternity leave, I would make sure that no other activities were planned for 11 am (my steal time). If so, I would make sure another fellow babystealer could check for me and buy if it was something that I wanted. Now that I have started work again (I’m a high school teacher), I give my students some busy work for a few minutes while I quickly check the steal! Thanks for the awesome deals!

Kathy February 26th, 2010 at 8:41 pm - #12482

I found this site when I was on maternity leave. It was no trouble then to check the site at 11am EST. Then I returned to work! I have delayed meetings, appointments, lunch dates and phone calls to make sure I check the site on time!! I am addicted. I admit it!! I love babysteals!

Heather Knobbe February 26th, 2010 at 10:03 pm - #12484

My steal time is 11 am, and I have gotten so addicted (and heartbroken at losing out on a lot of great steals for coming too late) to this awesome websites! My steal confession is that to help remember what time to get on the computer, I set my phone alarm, and at 10 am I’ll set the timer on my oven and microwave, so I have all three reminders going at once! I turn off the phone right away, but I will wait until I see what is on the cite before I go to turn off the oven and the microwave, to make sure I don’t miss out on something I have to have!

Joanne S. February 26th, 2010 at 10:39 pm - #12485

I make sure to check EVERY morning. I’m glad my son doesn’t have to get to preschool until 9am (8am is my steal time). I don’t know what I am going to do next year when he has to be at kindergarten earlier….

I’m soo addicted that I make sure to take my hubby’s computer (which has a cell phone modem thingy) out to the desert when we head out to go camping & dirtbike riding. A couple of times we weren’t in cell phone range and I was devastated!! Fortunately I didn’t miss anything I NEEDED (which is lots of things). :)

Michelle Bryden February 26th, 2010 at 10:58 pm - #12486

Hmmmm, let’s see … I schedule family walks, trips into town, naps, nursing breaks, showers/baths, and yes, even bathroom breaks, … all around 11:00 EST. I’ve been known to bundle the family into the car to head into Ottawa, but then run downstairs to the computer to quickly check the steals sites. I’ve even run downstairs in my birthday suit just to check the computer on time! Of course, my afternoon schedule revolves around a trip into the post office to retrieve my steals packages! ;) Thanks StealsNetwork!

Anh Au February 26th, 2010 at 11:08 pm - #12487

lets see, does staying awake an extra 20 mins or so after puting my NEWBORN to sleep when really i should be sleeping be considered ridiculous?!

virginia trice February 27th, 2010 at 1:34 am - #12488

Besides having a browser tab with babysteals loaded before I go to bed at night (so all I have to do is refresh once I sit down to the computer), a few days ago at 9:59 am central time, I leapt out of bed with my DS2 latched on my breast and dashed down the hall to my computer squawking, “Aagggg…I’m going to miss my steal!” to the amusement of my DH and DS1. Apparently, mom with bedhead and baby on boob while panicking and rushing around the house is hilarious…DS1 was on the floor laughing. DS2 stayed latched on for the entire bouncy trip to the computer and the stealing :)

Carissa February 27th, 2010 at 3:34 am - #12489

Well I don’t really have a crazy story. One night I just couldn’t get to sleep, then 7 am came around and I still had not got to sleep, although I would have been able to get to sleep by then, I ended up just staying up til 8 am to see what the steal was. Because if I went to sleep I knew I wouldn’t get up in time to find out before it sold out.
The night before I load up all 3 sites, so in the morning I can just hit refresh.
I also have an alarm set at 7:58 and 8:00am. Unfortunately I have still slept through it sometimes.

Melody W. February 27th, 2010 at 8:14 am - #12490

I hide in the bathroom at work and check it on my phone. (Since my boss didn’t like the fact that I checked at my desk everyday) I can’t get in trouble for peeing! Then if its good I’ll look both ways and cross my fingers that he doesn’t want to talk to me then! :)

Jen February 27th, 2010 at 9:44 am - #12491

I have been late for work and/or school because of Babysteals! Heehee

Karen Scoffield February 27th, 2010 at 11:08 am - #12492

I am cracking up at these stories! I can’t top them but I will admit that 9:00 will never be the same time to me.

Jordan February 27th, 2010 at 12:19 pm - #12493

Things are actually amazingly calm at my house at 9 am, so I have no problem. When I was still working I left my work area to go to the public computer and check it there. That didn’t go over too well with my boss, but he never told me to stop.

Jodie February 27th, 2010 at 12:36 pm - #12494

Oh my goodness…..I am in the east so steal time is 11:00 a.m. for me. More than once I have been away from home and had to call my husband at work to buy the steal for me. I have even purchased steals on scrapbooksteals even though I don’t scrap. Some deals are just too good to pass up. LOL!

Heather February 27th, 2010 at 12:41 pm - #12495

Sadly nothing too out there. In the recent past I have set three alarm clocks for 7:59. It was like living in a coo coo clock shop. (My poor husband.)

Jamie B February 27th, 2010 at 3:34 pm - #12497

I am a SAHM, and since the steals come up at 8:00 am for me, I have never done anything too crazy to get on the computer for steal time. The last things I do before bed are, scour the FB page for hints and guesses and then load all three pages on the computer before I put it to “sleep” for the night. Then it’s just a matter of refreshing at 8:00…or 7:55 just in case. I also have my iPhone ready for back up in case I am feeding my son when the magic hour rolls around.

Aubrey February 27th, 2010 at 6:48 pm - #12498

As a SAHM you would think it would be easy for me to catch the steal at 9:00 but often it seems my baby wants to start nursing right before. A few times I have walked out of the nursery, baby still latched, to make it to my computer and check the steal!

Melissa February 27th, 2010 at 7:56 pm - #12499

LOVE STEALS! My friend had been looking everywhere for a Halo Early Walker Sleep Sack for her LO and couldn’t find it. So I was determined to find her one for Xmas I had a feeling they were going to show up on KS so I had been checking religiously everyday….well on the day they did show up I was late and I missed them sooooo upset I was crying to my husband that I ruined Xmas ( I blame this partially on new Mommy hormones) Anywho the next morning I checked again and tadaa there was stock, got my sleepsack ran all around the house with happiness and saved Xmas!! My poor hubby doesn’t get it….at all, but getting that great steal is like a little victory!

Anya February 27th, 2010 at 8:12 pm - #12500

I have a permanent meeting set in my work calendar everyday at 11 est. This way I know I will not be pulled away From my computer when the latest steal is announced.
I love this web site!

Melanie Henderson February 27th, 2010 at 8:16 pm - #12501

I also have no crazy sotry except to say that I schedule my morning work break around checking the website quickly, and on weekends make sure I’m home at 11 EST to check KS and BS. My hubby thinks I’m nuts, but I refuse to miss a great steal!

Kari February 27th, 2010 at 9:33 pm - #12502

I work at a college…My office happens to be in the same little enclave as a few faculty members, one of which taught me Public Speaking when I was still in high school. For fun she asked me to come to her speech class on a day the students were presenting….When I realized the class ran until 10:10…I told her I would have to duck out early for a “phone conference”…..It was Zabba day…Couldn’t help myself.

Geri February 27th, 2010 at 10:04 pm - #12503

I am completely addicted. Hubby thinks I’m nuts, but lets me use his iPhone when needed. No crazy stories but I do check every day. Even on days when the hint is that it’s for boys (and I only have a girl)

haley anderson February 27th, 2010 at 11:27 pm - #12504

i am definitely an addict but dont have any crazy hilarious stories like everyone else. luckily i can check on my phone so needless to say it is by me with baby and kidsteals both pulled up ready to be refreshed as soon as the clock hits 9. my husband threatened to cut me off if i didnt stop buying. i threatened to cut him off and that was the end of the conversation. : ) thanks for everything you give us. we are forever in your debt.

Angela February 27th, 2010 at 11:33 pm - #12505

I have twins so I am always checking the deal of the day, I love get them cute yet affordable things while saving money at the same time. I always make sure the babies are feed before 11am EST that way I’m ready to be on stand by in front of my computer.

Erika February 28th, 2010 at 7:01 am - #12506

Ever since finding out about babysteals.com and kidssteals.com I check the site as close to 11 am EST as humanly possible. It has become so addicting that I have set my phone alarm to go off as another reminder…my husband thinks Iam insane ;0)

Bridget February 28th, 2010 at 7:38 am - #12507

Sometimes…i sneak out of my step classes to run to the computer at the front desk…just to check out the sale!

Jessica Schmidt February 28th, 2010 at 8:18 am - #12508

Mid Nursing you will see me jump up, with baby attached, to get to the computer at 9 (well it’s actually 8 here)!! Every time my hubby says, “Time for cheap-baby-stuff.com”. Love my deals :)

Gabby February 28th, 2010 at 10:14 am - #12509

I have an alarm set on my iPhone so at 9:55 CST every morning my phone starts singing and I jump to get online! I’ve reached reached reeeeeached for my phone during nursing. One arm around son the other reaching for my phone!

Dawn February 28th, 2010 at 10:33 am - #12510

I am a children’s librarian and I have cut short the post-storytime mommy chat to get back to my computer and check. Fortunately, some of the mommies are addicted too, so I can be totally honest and tell them what I’m doing:)

Angela B. February 28th, 2010 at 10:36 am - #12511

When i work, i bust my butt all morning to make sure that all patients are clean and have everything that they may need before 0955, so i can take my brake then and do my stealing uninterrupted. This usually works. On the packabee day though, something came up, i went away from the computer for a second, a medical student logged me out and stole my computer. In the time that it took me to log back on to another computer, the mint ones sold out! That day i decided that i don’t like that Med student very much.
On days that i don’t work stealing is even more tricky. We have no computer access at home, except Blackberries. (which i can’t steal from.) On the days that i know that it is something that i need, i come into town and steal @ the library. When i am at home and something good comes up i start calling everyone i can think of to do the stealing for me(knowing that it would sell out before i bundled Victor up and drove into town to do the stealing myself, although i have tried that many times.) Even when i know that it is a girl day, and i have no girls to steal for, i am still checking the steals @ 1000 on the dot!!! Thanks for making my mornings more exciting, i <3 you guys!!

Marla February 28th, 2010 at 12:42 pm - #12514

I work my schedule around the time that a new steal is supposed to come up….it’s 10am here. I have cut a grocery trip short before to get home in time to check out the new steal…. I was no where around a computer this week…. we were on vacation….. and at 10am almost every morning…. I would think hmmmm… I wonder what the steal is today! LOL!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Heidi February 28th, 2010 at 12:54 pm - #12515

I work from home and have told my sweetie that I suddenly have to go check for “an important work email” to sneak away to the computor. (He winked, though, so I think he suspected!)

Sonja February 28th, 2010 at 4:52 pm - #12516

It is the gold medal game Canada vs. US and instead of watching the overtime I would rather get my name in for babysteals. I love this site and check it everyday at 9 no matter what. :)

Rusti February 28th, 2010 at 6:52 pm - #12518

One of my favorite things to do in the morning: check babysteals. Even if it’s not stuff I want personally, it makes me happy to hit the refresh button and see moms out there stealing away! Amazing the things I can multi-task at 8 am in the morning…

Sarah February 28th, 2010 at 7:05 pm - #12519

The morning we were leaving for a Thanksgiving trip to see the family, and I saw the email on my phone that there were BabyLegs! I had to start up my computer & steal them before we left for the airport.

Twila owen February 28th, 2010 at 7:46 pm - #12520

I can’t really say that I have done anything ridiculous or as hard core as some of you ladies, lol! (These stories are hilarious reading) but I have organized play dates at my house so I could sneak away at steal time, hit the refresh button continuosly for 5 minutes, scheduled appts around steal time, and stalk the page at all hours!

Priscilla February 28th, 2010 at 7:59 pm - #12521

Yes, Sounds like me! I have arranged all our appts (expect one on the weekend because it’s the only class they have) around that all important steal time! I even take my laptop to the mall for our Gymboree class, We have to get there early so I can run up to the Barnes and Nobles park my little lady in front of the childrens storyteller and log on to get my fix before our class 15 minutes later! Looks like I am not the only one! <3 :)

Melissa R February 28th, 2010 at 8:05 pm - #12522

I recently had to buy a new cell phone, just so I could access babysteals when I am at work and away from my computer! Sheesh!

Haane February 28th, 2010 at 8:08 pm - #12524

I live on Guam, so the steals are always released in the middle of the night for us! Sometimes I set my alarm for 1:55am! Other times, I just use my son’s built in alarm since he is usually kind enough to wake me up around that time anyway. =]

Heidi B February 28th, 2010 at 8:10 pm - #12525

When the bell rings at the school where I work I know its time to check the steals pages, it is my daily reminder!

Brandy Miller February 28th, 2010 at 8:10 pm - #12527

I have my cell alarm set, but somehow I always seem to miss the good ones!
The last time you had the Halo Sleep sacks on (been waiting ages for these) I missed them, by like a minute, and I threw my phone… somewhere… and couldn’t find it for a week. LOL.

Nicole Cloutier February 28th, 2010 at 8:11 pm - #12528

If I am not going to be at home at 9am I will call my hustband or my mom to check the sites for me. They both think I am nuts!

allison February 28th, 2010 at 8:12 pm - #12529

my boys have therapists here in the morning and two of our therapists are prego right now, so we always stop to see what is on at 9am…we check out all the sites and then decide on our purchases!! Thanks for all the great steals!

Jami H February 28th, 2010 at 8:13 pm - #12530

I work full time, and have a standing conference call every day at 9am. More than once I have put them on mute so I could rush over to baby steals and get what I wanted in time for a trip to the zoo. Then I got back on the call and asked them “could you please repeat that?” like I just needed clarification on what I had missed.

heather February 28th, 2010 at 8:14 pm - #12531

I love looking every morning at 9am mst! I always make sure the kiddos are occupied so that I can have some “alone” time with the computer – always refreshing and making sure I’m there right on time!

Meaghan February 28th, 2010 at 8:14 pm - #12532

I haven’t done anything like setting alarms yet b/c I’m an East Coast Lady, but I am most definitely addicted. Checking the ’steal’ on BS and KS is part of my daily computer routine. My husband laughs at me always trying to get a good deal…I mean, steal! ;)

Emily February 28th, 2010 at 8:15 pm - #12533

Well I have the site as an icon on the homescreen of my phone and I start to get antsy around 9:30 even though it switches at 11:) I sometimes check early just in case:).

Diane February 28th, 2010 at 8:15 pm - #12534

During the Secret Steal time, I sometimes cannot check it because I work. I have had some friends check the steal for me.

Shawna S February 28th, 2010 at 8:15 pm - #12535

Okay, so my steal time is 11am…so i don’t have to get up early (thank goodness).
I think the most ridiculous thing that I’ve done is when i knew that there would be JuJuBes on the site i called and called and called my hubby to remind him (while he was at WORK) to be on Kidsteals on time, while i was refreshing and refreshing Babysteals at home.
So, doesn’t sound too ridiculous, but for me, bothering my husband at work IS ridiculous.

Kahla Larson February 28th, 2010 at 8:16 pm - #12536

I’m a teacher and our attendance bell rings at 10 a.m., which just happens to be the time that the new steal goes up… kinda like my own little reminder!

Diane February 28th, 2010 at 8:16 pm - #12537

During the Secret Steal time when I am working, I have some friends check the steal for me.

Katie February 28th, 2010 at 8:17 pm - #12538

I teach first grade and I try my best to schedule snack time around my babystealing time!

Emily February 28th, 2010 at 8:18 pm - #12539

THere are mornings where I am all ready to leave the house, but need to stick around till 11:00(my steal time), I can’t bear the thought of missing a good steal. I also find myself wanting to purchase steals on babysteal for the baby that I don’t have. (I have a 3year old).

Stephanie February 28th, 2010 at 8:18 pm - #12540

I probably shouldn’t even tell this because I will sound awful, but my little 2 year old boy loves the computer. One morning I could see him heading to it but it was almost nine, so I ran and got it before him. So mature, I know. He threw a holy fit but I got to see the steal :) Don’t I just sound like and awful parent!

Sarah Mall-Pavich February 28th, 2010 at 8:19 pm - #12541

If I’m running errands during the steals posting, I’ve pulled over on the road to check my cell phone!!! I don’t know which is worse–parking on the side of the road or checking my phone while driving! It’s worth it though.

Jennifer Mason February 28th, 2010 at 8:19 pm - #12542

I check my email on the dot every morning. I was waiting for those cute UMI shoes to come back after they were sadly sold out for a LONG time. The morning finally came and I log in to check what the new steal was for the day…and to my surprise it was the UMI shoes!!! I was so excited that I accidentally logged THE COMPUTER off and by the time I got back on…they were GONE. I cried…literally cried…for about 3 hours that day. I was so excited and then disappointed the very next moment. I will get over it eventually.Some call it hormones, I call it love. :)

Lindsay Etherington February 28th, 2010 at 8:22 pm - #12543

I don’t think I’ve done anything really crazy but I make my daughter wait until 8:50 or so to put on her favorite Franklin DVD on tv … that way I know I have at least 20 minutes of time to be on babysteals and kidsteals!!

Emma February 28th, 2010 at 8:24 pm - #12544

i’m a tax accountant so i’ve had to set my outlook calendar for 11am every day so i don’t miss out on the steals! gotta get those livie & luca’s when they come around again!!

Abi February 28th, 2010 at 8:25 pm - #12545

I schedule my child’s nursing times around BS & KS – and I am consistently late to meetings so that I can be at the computer on time!!!!

Anna Kirk February 28th, 2010 at 8:26 pm - #12546

If by crazy you mean be late everyday to work then consider me certifiably crazy!

I should be in the shower getting ready for work but instead I sit at my computer, shower getting cold refreshing like a mad woman to see what the deal of the day is!

It got so bad my bosses sent out a friendly reminder to everyone in the department that they need to be at work on time.


Sunny February 28th, 2010 at 8:27 pm - #12547

Since I work full-time, I schedule a “meeting” at 10am CST on my calendar to make sure no one bothers me or schedules a meeting during that time so that I can see the daily steals!

Erin Anderson February 28th, 2010 at 8:27 pm - #12548

I do daycare and plan my mornings around steal time :)

Samantha February 28th, 2010 at 8:28 pm - #12550

Oh, I log in to facebook like a crazy woman just to see what’s on offer for the day!
My husband says he is going to stage an intervention.

Carolyn Moore February 28th, 2010 at 8:28 pm - #12551

10:00 central time is the perfect time for a little mid-morning snack and some Disney…that way Mommy can make sure to check Babysteals right away! :)

eliza February 28th, 2010 at 8:29 pm - #12552

I haven’t done anything crazy, just check Babysteals everyday at 11 am my time.
Love the site and totally addicted to it!

Taralyn February 28th, 2010 at 8:30 pm - #12553

I’ll join the other ladies and admit that I’ve had to nurse my baby a time or too while checking out the steal.

Karen Weaver-Hedrick February 28th, 2010 at 8:30 pm - #12554

I’ve actually put the twins in their boppy’s with bottles at two minutes til the top of the hour with the mouse hovering over the tabs or refresh buttons. Thankfully they are 8 months and can hold their own bottles :)

Annie February 28th, 2010 at 8:31 pm - #12555

The worst thing i have done was during a baby well appointment with my ds doctor.

I had scheduled it well before 11, but it turns out that we were still in the doctor’s office at 11 to my dismay. So when the doctor proceeded in telling us the weight of the baby, I pulled out my iphone and quickly went to the site. Funny thing is that he tought I was using an app to monitor the baby’s weight…yeah right!!!

Tara February 28th, 2010 at 8:31 pm - #12556

Well since I am at work at this time I try and schedule visits not at steal time!! I get frustrated when I have to go to a meeting at that time!!!

Kim A. February 28th, 2010 at 8:32 pm - #12557

During the work week, I would be at my sewing machine and waiting till 10 am cst and when it would be, I would grab my iphone and check the page and see if the item available was what I needed. I had to be careful since my boss was a big cell phone hater. But I managed to get a few items for my baby ranging from a changing pad to toys.

Krystina February 28th, 2010 at 8:37 pm - #12558

I haven’t managed to wrangle a steal just yet. I’ve just now learned how to be sneaky about it :) at work, i schedule my pumping time to be at least 10 minutes before (just in case I see something I need). At home, I put the baby down for a nap a little extra early than needed. He can talk to his crib for a few minutes, right? :)

Rosa February 28th, 2010 at 8:41 pm - #12559

I always check the steals on my IPhone.
One day I was on my way to run some errands
and my reminder popped up and wouldn’t you know it
I was driving. I pull over and didn’t realise that by me pulling
over I halted traffic! Needless to say I patiently
checked Baby Steals, and a bunch of people behind me
honking! Yikes! It was well worth it!

heather February 28th, 2010 at 8:41 pm - #12560

Wow, reading all these, I realise that I am not nearly as organised for my Babysteal 11 am steals as I should be. I really just try to ‘wing it’ but obviously, am often out of luck. And being here in eastern Canada, 11 am is a difficult time to get to the computer, often not at home and don’t have an internet enable phone. I’ve got to come up with a better solution and start ensure less disappointment!

Julia Chandler February 28th, 2010 at 8:47 pm - #12561

The worst thing for me is to find that a ’steal’ is sold out before i even had a chance to decide if I wanted it :) So I’ve actually nursed my newborn while sitting at the computer refreshing the page until the new steal came up. I know, pathetic!

Mélanie February 28th, 2010 at 8:49 pm - #12562

I usually try not to plan anything around that time everyday just to be sure that I don’t miss the steal. But there is one instance that my mother thought I was crazy. On February 12, when my contractions started in the morning I started using a website to time them. While I was in the bathtub I screamed to my mom to come over with the computer. She arrived and opened the site on contractionmaster.com and between 2 contractions I said: No!!! babysteals.com Hurry!

Erin C February 28th, 2010 at 8:50 pm - #12563

I have left a business meeting saying “i have to go to the bath room” and sneak to my computer to check the steals of the day

LALY February 28th, 2010 at 8:52 pm - #12564

I’m currently on maternity leave for a year, so getting to a computer for 10 (CST) isn’t that difficult. However, when I was still teaching I had one of my students set the alarm on his watch to go off at 9:58 so I could check the steal of the day. This also became the time that my class got a 10 minute break. It was a win-win situation for everyone!

Dana February 28th, 2010 at 8:56 pm - #12565

Luckily I have been on maternity leave since I discovered the steal sites. But when I return to work in two months I will have my iTouch at my side.

Kelly Ciolek February 28th, 2010 at 8:57 pm - #12566

MANY times I have called my mom in Florida, my sister-in-law at work, or even my friend in Mexico to check the babysteal for me when I didn’t have internet access!

Gail February 28th, 2010 at 9:00 pm - #12568

If I am home I make sure to check at 9am. If I am out of the house I make sure to check my BlackBerry at 9am. Don’t want to miss a steal.

Britney White February 28th, 2010 at 9:01 pm - #12569

My story isn’t too funny. luckily my Huuby usually works mornings but on those days when he works the night shift he is home at 11am est so i have to take my phone and hide in the bathroom to check the steal so I don’t get the evil eye from him. lol

Laurie February 28th, 2010 at 9:07 pm - #12571

I have called home and multiple friends to get a steal for me more than once lol. I try to not be out at 11est so that I can check what is posted but sometimes life calls and after all other roads are crossed and I have to go out I make sure another mama will have access in case I NEED that item :D

Kathleen February 28th, 2010 at 9:13 pm - #12574

I used to live in Colorado so getting to the computer at 9 was no problem… then we moved to MIssouri and entered a different time zone! My son’s music class and play groups are all at 10 AM CST!! I make sure I have my phone handy and ready to check the steal so I never miss one!!!

Kelsi February 28th, 2010 at 9:15 pm - #12575

My steal time is 11am, that’s also nap time for my daughter and I. My sister is addicted to BS, so if it’s something that she knows I’ll want, she sends me a text to wake me up! Good sister!

Emily D. February 28th, 2010 at 9:16 pm - #12576

I live on the east coast, so it is 11am here before I can get the steals. When I was home with my duaghter it was no big deal…just set an alarm and hope on the computer at 10:55am. Now that I am back to work, it’s a little more difficult.
I have to remember to grab my phone, sneak off to the bathroom (we are not allowed to go on the internet at work) and check the website. This is my routine during the week. I’m addicted, for sure!

Sarah February 28th, 2010 at 9:24 pm - #12577

I don’t have a great story but I ALWAYS check Facebook first in the morning as the steal is up there before I get the email. I may have also tuned the tv to Treehouse and let my little man watch cartoons while momma checks the steals!

Corrie February 28th, 2010 at 9:24 pm - #12578

Sometimes I am out and have to call my husband at work to check the day’s steal. He’s almost always in his office at 11 anticipating my potential call. And he’s in the military, so the other guys in his office are always giving him a hard time…except when they are checking for their wives. I miss when we were living in MST because it was a lot easier to be home at 9am.

Brooke M February 28th, 2010 at 9:32 pm - #12579

I usually don’t have a problem getting on at 9am MST since I am a SAHM and we are on the east coast. By the time 11am comes around we are up, have ate breakfast and I’m ready to sit down and check my email :o ) I do make sure to schedule appointments in the afternoon so that I make sure to be able to check!

Mandie Wade February 28th, 2010 at 9:38 pm - #12580

I have arranged my babies nap schedule so that I can make sure I’m at my computer by 10am CST!

Vanessa February 28th, 2010 at 9:39 pm - #12582

When I’m not around my computer at 9am, I’ve been known to call my husband or whoever is by their computer just to check Baby Steals!! All of my friends know that I’m waiting for a PPB diaper bag to be featured on Baby Steals and they all keep an eye out for me :)

Kasie Smith February 28th, 2010 at 9:39 pm - #12583

No matter what I am doing I always check on Facebook so I know what both Kid and the baby steal is. There was one day at work when I really, really wanted something(muslin blankets?!?!) and almost (but didn’t) contacted my mom to purchase it for me because I felt awkard for doing it at work!

Hannah February 28th, 2010 at 9:40 pm - #12584

I’m a night shift nurse – so checking babysteals.com is how I end my day. I just purchased the Love’d nursing cover-up from my iphone just before I went to sleep inbetween shifts :) .

Megan W February 28th, 2010 at 9:42 pm - #12585

Now that I have an iphone and am on the Facebook page, it is easy for me to check the steal everyday at 10 no matter where I am! I have an alarm set on my phone that goes off at 9:55, so I have time to grab my phone, get to Facebook and see what the steal is. I have bought a few things off bs while I was nursing!

Amanda T February 28th, 2010 at 9:43 pm - #12586

Sadly, I’m not as dedicated and thus frequently miss out on deals that I would love to get. Half the time I’m tied up in meetings or just get caught up at work to check on time so by the time I do (could be just half an hour later) it’s sold out for the day.

Jana February 28th, 2010 at 9:54 pm - #12587

I have been waiting anxiously for babylegs to appear always missing out. So this time around I knew I would only be able to quickly glance at the website for a moment at work. So I had my sister who lives on the east coast and is a stay at home mom buy them for me as soon as time started. I live in CO. :)

Meagan February 28th, 2010 at 9:55 pm - #12588

The most ridiculous thing I have ever done to get to the Steal in time – was buy an iPhone!

Leah February 28th, 2010 at 9:56 pm - #12589

I’ve had my husband check for me if I can’t get to the computer in time. He rolls his eyes when I ask, but will check anyway.

On an ongoing basis I am crazy enough to wake up at 8am PST just to check the steals, no matter what the night was like.

Lauren February 28th, 2010 at 10:03 pm - #12591

When I have 11 AM meetings (I’m in NJ), I pretend to be on the phone until the site goes live. I even pick up the phone and hold it up to my ear in case someone comes looking for me, wondering why I’m late!

angela j February 28th, 2010 at 10:18 pm - #12593

I slept with the computer on the bed with me all ready to go so I just had to roll over and refresh the page at 8:00am.

Angie February 28th, 2010 at 10:18 pm - #12594

At 9am I sit silently at work, hoping that no one notices me clicking refresh on the babysteals.com website. I love this website and kidsteals.com even more. Thanks so much.

Kjirsta February 28th, 2010 at 10:27 pm - #12595

I watch the clock everyday and when it hits 9:00am you bet I’m on the computer checking out the steals on Baby steals and kid steals, even though I should be getting my son ready for school. Love you guys!

Alisha February 28th, 2010 at 10:29 pm - #12596

Finally going to bed at 6am because both my girls were up all night crying/puking from teething and being sick instead of sleeping while they were I sat my alarm clock to go off in two hours in hopes to get a sale!

Katie Flury February 28th, 2010 at 10:34 pm - #12597

I don’t really do anything rediculous, but I always make sure that I’m awake by 8:55 so I can be on my computer in time. It’s like my daughter knows that I need this time, and always waits until about 9:15 to wake up! It’s great!!!

Megan February 28th, 2010 at 10:34 pm - #12598

Hit refresh about 50times in two minutes waiting for the ally zabba blankets

Kamie February 28th, 2010 at 10:37 pm - #12599

Last month I rescheduled a prenatal doctor’s appt. because I realized that there was no way for me to check babysteals at 9:00 and be at his office at 9:15. Haha!

Mari B. February 28th, 2010 at 10:55 pm - #12600

I pretend I can’t hear my twins crying for me in their cribs so I have a chance to log on and check the site first thing. Bad Mommy!!

Angie February 28th, 2010 at 11:18 pm - #12601

Even though I have triplets and stay very busy, I keep my phone next to me in the morning to make sure I am able to see the steal of the day and see if it’s something we can use. I try to get on as close to 9 am as possible because having triplets we need every deal we can get!!!!!!

Amy S. February 28th, 2010 at 11:36 pm - #12602

Set my alarm so I don’t sleep past the time and can grab a few minutes to nurse my newborn before it’s time to steal!

Winona H. February 28th, 2010 at 11:41 pm - #12603

I sneak off to use the computer when my husband is home….just to get to the computer by 9aM!!

Teresa Peschke March 1st, 2010 at 12:06 am - #12604

I sneak into the bathroom with my iPhone on saturdays when dh is home. He always makes a comment about how long it took me so I have started telling him I fell asleep in there. ;)

Jennifer Randazza March 1st, 2010 at 12:38 am - #12605

My entire morning routine is centered around BS and KS. I still have morning sickness every morning, so I make sure to get that over and done with around 7:45- if I sleep in a few minutes I just bring a bowl next to the computer. I try to let my daughter play in her crib until after steal time so that I can fully concentrate- but sometimes DH comes out to find out why I’m letting the baby cry- so I’ll go grab her, put her in the high chair and let her watch baby signing time- (my first ever steal:) until after I’ve done my stealing! Yes, I am an addict!

Christina March 1st, 2010 at 12:46 am - #12606

Just found this website a couple of weeks ago – and I am already addicted! I missed a ferry last week because I wanted to check all of the ’steal’ sites before I left. What am I going to do when I go on vacation?

Kristin Beauregard March 1st, 2010 at 12:49 am - #12607

Well, now that I am on mat leave stealing is much easier… But while I was still working, I was able to check the steal but I couldn’t purchase anything:( Same problem on my blackberry (despite calling the help line and trying to get it to work- yes, they thought I was crazy). So, my awesome friend Shanna, who was on mat leave, would make my purchases for me. Not only did this allow me to get what I wanted, but many of the purchases went to her house, so my hubby didn’t even know;) I LOVE babysteals!

Carly Johnston March 1st, 2010 at 1:35 am - #12608

Well, I have 2 parts to my addiction story:
a) I got an iPhone over a Blackberry, 95% so that my steals didn’t show up as ’sold out’ every morning.
B) I have tailored my dd’s sleep schedule so that she wakes up at 7:30am every morning, and is always nicely nursing when the steal comes up at 8am PST, allowing me to look it up and usually purchase it on my new iPhone.

Gretchen March 1st, 2010 at 1:56 am - #12609

I work graveyard shift Sunday nights. On Monday mornings the day shift person who is relieving me (my boss actually) comes in at 8am. Since I am Pacific time, this is the time Babysteals puts up their daily item. Every Monday morning at 8am I am playing the dare game with myself, continuing to check Babysteals’ page hoping, just hoping that I don’t get caught by my boss. So far, only caught once. But I have gotten quite a few cute cute steals. Definitely worth it.

Grace March 1st, 2010 at 3:11 am - #12610

:) Heh heh heh… I live all the way around the world in Korea and the steals come out here at 1AM. You guessed it. I’m up ;-) Or I’ll even get up! :)


Lauren March 1st, 2010 at 5:19 am - #12611

I have come home many times after working all night and gone to sleep…with my alarm set to get up in couple hours at 11AM EST for the steal. Not to mention checking my computer mid-conversation while at work unbeknownst to the person I am talking with- now that is multitasking!

Karen Tompkins March 1st, 2010 at 7:12 am - #12612

I have to be sure to have my cell phone with me ready to go, just in case I’m not home at that time! I’ve got it as a bookmark, and I just refresh and refresh until it’s up!

Nikki K March 1st, 2010 at 7:16 am - #12613

Well steals don’t happen here untill 11 am. The problem with this is I usually do nothing for an hour waiting for the steals. Twins go down around 10 and it is supposed to be my time to clean up and get ready, but I usually end up wasting time untill 11. One day I called my best friend who doesnt have kids because my iternet was down and had her decribe each steal, she still thinks I am an idoit!!

dawn March 1st, 2010 at 7:47 am - #12614

I have set up a reminder in my Outlook calendar to popup at 11am to make sure I don’t forget.

Elizabeth B. March 1st, 2010 at 8:50 am - #12615

How about scheduling all activities around computer availability? Probably not the craziest thing ever done, but definitely obsessive!!

Leslie K. March 1st, 2010 at 8:55 am - #12616

I’m a music teacher at an elementary school. My kids have often seen me take a little break to check BS, KS & SBS. They have even started reminding me when it gets close to time! And they’re sure to ask after what the steal was, and if I got it!

Trisha B. March 1st, 2010 at 9:10 am - #12617

None of mine have been “crazy” I guess. I just haven’t scheduled any apt.’s in the morning and the biggest was picking my son out of bed right as he woke coming to the computer and nursing him to check.

Emma C. March 1st, 2010 at 9:11 am - #12618

Just setting an alarm

Ashley W. March 1st, 2010 at 9:15 am - #12619

My name is Ashley and I am an Auntie addicted to baby steals. Yes that’s right, I’m not even a Mommy. My sister has a 16 month old and is due mid-April and I cannot keep myself away from BS. She loves it too and we sometimes both steal the same items, making for a very lucky little man!
Can’t wait for the new baby to arrive, if its a girl, bring on the ruffle butts!!!
Thank you BS for bringing me shopping joy every morning at 11 am (EST)!!

Nikki H. March 1st, 2010 at 9:19 am - #12620

I don’t have a crazy story yet as I’ve only recently happened upon this website…but I think it’s ridiculous enough that I make sure I have no appointments, visitors, etc. around steal time!

Ally Lazare March 1st, 2010 at 9:29 am - #12621

We were vacationing in Florida when the AllyZabba blankets came up for a steal in early Feb. Thankfully, a good friend had shared the ‘night-before’ hint with me so I was ready and waiting. So, around rolls 10:55am EST (T-5 minutes to steal time) and darling daughter has the most explosive diaper emergency of her little 4.5 month old life! We of course, are sitting on the beach across the street from our hotel. I grabbed my little girl and her diaper bag and literally ran across the street, up into our hotel room, put her on the bed, removed the messy diaper at exactly 10:59am and left her naked, spread-eagle on the bed with a million (clean) wipes around her while I grabbed my iPhone and stole a zabba for her (and I have to say she will NOT sleep without it – she loves that blankey!)

Linda Jenkins March 1st, 2010 at 9:37 am - #12622

only got one steal so far, but i can feel the addiction kicking in :)
so glad my little boy has his nap right around steal time! yay

Gillian Pearson March 1st, 2010 at 9:41 am - #12623

I don’t really have a great story. I just love the little feeling of winning when I either stumble upon, or actually remember to check the steal right on time, and it is something I want and can afford. I feel like I am starting out my day on the right foot and it can just make my day.

Carolyn N March 1st, 2010 at 9:55 am - #12625

I left my baby diaperless in a Pack N Play when I realized it was 9:05am MST and I still hadn’t check BabySteals yet… Needless to say when I returned at 9:10am MST, my son stared at me and proceeded to use the Pack N’ Play as his urinal! :O

Abby S. March 1st, 2010 at 10:00 am - #12626

The craziest thing I’ve done to get to BabySteals at 9 sharp: One recent Wednesday, I knew I had to take my kids to story time at our local college bookstore (couldn’t break my promise!). We had gotten a hint as to the brand being featured that morning, and it was something I did NOT want to miss! So, I made sure we were at the bookstore a couple minutes early, and I headed straight to the computer sales area. I knew there were many demo computers to try out, and I logged on to BabySteals and was repeatedly refreshing until 9, all the while trying to keep my kids from destroying the sales floor! I got my item, though, and we only missed a minute of the first story!!

Adam B. March 1st, 2010 at 10:14 am - #12627

On the weekends my wife will have me watch the kids and tell me I don’t know how many things to do while she sits on the computer and checks the steals.

Tiffany March 1st, 2010 at 10:15 am - #12628

I am constantly taking my husband’s iPhone when we are away from home at 9:00 a.m. I can’t miss a steal and even when he is on the phone, I have made him get off his phone several times so I can check Babysteals!!! Love you guys!!

Mary March 1st, 2010 at 10:24 am - #12629

hmmm…jumped out of the showere soaking wet, not fed the kids,

Megan March 1st, 2010 at 10:44 am - #12630

im seriously entering this at the last possible moment… whew.. im glad i made it though.

sooo. it was the day of the birthday party. i had my “station” all ready to go. I had been up for hours since i was at the very end of my pregnancy and my little man in there was having what felt like a party that i wasnt invited too…sleep wasnt happening. i had my water, tums(for my constant heartburn), phone, toast, wheat thins and hummus(cravings my entire pregnancy) out and ready for a long exciting day of steals. i refresh my browser at 845 just in case there had been some change…nothing… but finally! 9 its nine..i refresh… i refresh…i refresh!!! NOOOOO! It wont show me anything. to many baby steal fanatics getting there “fix” this morning!! (Im considering starting a support group if anyone is interested…) I “run” upstairs(more like waddle) to try the other computer…ugh! still nothing. I. think. i. may. die. Im reading the facebook page and many other moms are having the same problem, but others are getting the steals! Curse you getting MY steal! I was missing out and there was nothing to do but wait. I called my cousin(also an addict) to see if she was having any luck, she wasn’t home, I “run” over to my friends house a few doors down to see if she has had any luck. FINALLY success! Shes in! ahhh sweet relief! :)

now every morning i readily watch for a tweet and watch the clock for 9. my son is up, diaper change, get him dresses, breakfast, check babysteals…thats my usual routine…i seriously have a problem.
(also the day that i missed out on the lucky jade blanket when it was like 7 bucks or something because there was an error…i was heart broken for days…dont judge me..)
what do you think about “stealing anonymous,” for the support group name… ya, lame.. i will think of something insanely clever and get back to you…

Amber March 1st, 2010 at 10:47 am - #12631

I’m usually at my desk at 10am CST, but being a nursing mom who works, sometimes if our schedule is off I’m downstairs in my “pumping office” when the new steal arrives. I’m on my phone refreshing refreshing refreshing to find out what it is. I cut my session short when the baby legs were up last time and STILL missed getting the girliest set!!!

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