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February 2010
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Archive for February, 2010

$25 Gift Code Giveaway & What do you do at ‘steal’ time?

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Update: Contest closed – winner announced by 5pm MST

It’s 8:55am Mountain time. You’ve snuck away from your real life for those few important moments….to get your daily fix. You’re at your computer, logged into your google account eagerly anticipating steal time. You have BabySteals.com, KidSteals.com and ScrapbookSteals.com all up in different browsers, ready to refresh at precisely 9am. Your mobile phone is next to you, ready to get the mobile alert from our Twitter or Facebook pages on your phone. You’re logged into your Facebook account, ready to brag to all the other moms that you snagged your steal j.u.s.t in time!

Does this sound like YOU? You’re not alone. It’s time to share your story!

We’re giving away a $25 Gift Code to a lucky winner- to feed the addiction even more!

To enter for your chance to win, leave a comment here on our blog and tell us:

What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve done to get to your computer at 9am MST sharp? Tell us a steal story.

Then enjoy reading the others!

Contest ends Monday March 1st at 10am MST, random winner announced here by 5pm. Winner selected via random.org. There are no strings with the $25 Gift Code. It will be valid on anything, anytime, of your choice, up to $25, in the year 2010. Good luck!

PS. WordPress only allows a certain amount of comments per minute to prevent spam. If you get a message saying “too many comments” just try again in a few minutes or come back later- there is plenty of time to enter!


Wasn’t that fun?

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Alright, I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted! I  know our fans are too – the conversation on our Facebook page around today’s steal for Ally Zabba blankets has been astounding! If you’re missing the conversation- it’s entertaining and fun, to say the least!

That’s my sweet baby Jane there on the homepage- and yes I admit that’s me in the background of one of the photos on the bottom.

So the question is – did YOU get your zabba?


Comic #3 and #4!

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

These are dedicated to the husbands! Share this with your husband and he’ll quickly realize…he’s NOT alone!  Thanks again Michael Johnston, you rock our world!

comic #3 babysteals

babysteals comic #4
