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March 2010
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Archive for March, 2010

Insider’s look at the Gr8x Backpack Duo!

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

I have bunches of diaper bags. I finally started to designate specific functions for each. I really don’t need more, but this bag has so many cool features I couldn’t pass it up! Kristen gave me a tour of the bag and I was sold! I was even able to convince my husband that we “needed” it! This bag is going to be my “park” bag. We spend tons of time at the park in the spring/summer! Take a look and I think you’ll see why! If your still on the fence after this, blame me for your inability to restrain yourself! ;)


Ergo Madness!

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

March Madness has quickly turned into Ergo Madness for us here at babysteals.com. We are so thrilled that so many of you were able to take advantage of this great steal!  Unfortunately,  that means we all have to be a little more patient. Once our fabulous Ergo sale ended, the work began. Yes – we now have thousands of Ergo’s that need to be bagged, labeled and shipped to your happy homes. We cannot wait for you to get your hands on your very own ERGO!  We are just as anxious as you are! That’s why you will  find all of the babysteals.com staff at the warehouse helping out! From product editors to buyers , yep we’re all here lending a hand!  Thousands of orders lead to thousands of questions and thousands of emails. Hopefully we  will answer a few of your questions NOW! I know you are all wondering when will I get my Ergo? We will be processing and shipping Ergo orders all this week! It is possible that you won’t get a shipping confirmation until the end of the week.  If it has been 10 days after receiving  your shipping confirmation  and you still don’t have your precious Ergo (US only)  please email us! Otherwise don’t panic! We can appreciate your concern but, poor Em J  can’t possibly track this many packages! Check your google checkout account  for updates. Do we have extra’s? Nope – not a one!  We have completely sold out.  So, any emails to requests@babysteals  will be discarded. Don’t despair, this sale marks the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Ergo!  Stay tuned…

Here are a few photos of the madness…

Here is Amber & Grant! Labeling like crazy!


This is one of MANY mail trucks that picked up Ergo’s this week! Look at the front seat of the Truck! Barely enough room for the driver!

msail ergo1

We know how anxious you are because this was such an awesome steal! But we are so excited that so many people were able to take advantage of this great steal! Unfortunately that means we all have to be a little more patient.

Cyberscream with joy about your Ergo here!

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

No, you aren’t dreaming! It is real. Ergo Baby Carriers are nearly 50% off on BabySteals.com! Now hurry and steal yours if you haven’t already. Then – come back here and leave a comment to cyberscream with joy! Because what fun is stealing when you can’t brag to everyone else that you did!? BabySteals.com – where stealing is not a crime.


PS. Many customers know the wonderful “Em J” Emily Johnson  – our BabySteals customer service manager. That’s her on the left carrying her darling daughter! And one of our great customers Haley A. – with her sweet Olive!


Fan Comic Contest Winner! x 4!

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

And the winner is…..Kristen K!

She said:

“Babystealers sulking about in shopping plazas, train stations, or neighborhoods looking for free wifi or unsecured wireless networks. Shaking their ipods and netbooks in the air in frustration when no open connections are found. Scrambling to the next potential wifi spot before the steal gets put up.

Here is Michael’s genius rendition of her entry!


Brilliance! Email us, Kristen! orders (at) babysteals.com We need your address to send you your winnings; 5 pair of BABYLEGS!

However, Michael didn’t stop with just one! He created four, yes four comics with ideas from everyone! Stay tuned for the three runner ups!

Meanwhile……… if you follow our blog or Facebook page, you have definitely seen Michael’s comic about Local Pickup at our offices!


Michael does not live in Utah – but when we found out he was actually traveling to Utah with his family and planning to come by our offices and visit, we decided to surprise him BabySteals style with two things!

1: We had the comic he created about BabySteals local pickup printed on a large canvas to be hung in our local pickup office! Here he is with his masterpiece!

michael johnston

2:) We surprised him and his darling wife and daughter with a photo shoot from our photographer- to have his baby grace the home page of BabySteals.com! Yes, that’s his darling daughter rocking the Andee Lew bodysuits on the homepage TODAY!


What a fun day that was! Thanks fans, for creating and participating in such a fun contest – and thanks Michael, for all of your amazing work! Congratulations again to Kristen K!
