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July 2009
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Archive for July, 2009

Robeez Winners!

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Check your email ladies, we need your address!

definitely the cute anchor ones
-Katie Submitted on 2009/07/22 at 10:33am

I absolutely adore the LOVE ones.
-Lisa Submitted on 2009/07/22 at 10:55pm

I’ll take the pirate booties off yer hands!
-amber Submitted on 2009/07/22 at 11:59am

We would really love the bunny Robeez for my lovey little bunny girl!
-Teresa Submitted on 2009/07/22 at 10:42am


Robeez Giveaway!

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

UPDATE:  Contest is now closed.

Did you miss the Robeez that moved like hotcakes this morning? Have no fear, we have FOUR pairs to giveaway!

Just leave a comment with the pair you’d prefer and you’re entered for a chance to win!
That’s it, easy peasy. We know you’re busy with your wee ones.

all shoes are size 6-12 months

Contest ends Friday July 24th at 10am MST.



Thursday, July 16th, 2009

grip1BabySteals shoppers, just a quick entertaining note and a little peek into the life of a very busy mom.  I’m Emily, the webmaster here, and I love Grippers!

There is a theme running through our family album, it’s Grippers.  My 2 year old has eczema and keeping his skin covered so he can’t scratch is very important.  He is smart enough to get his socks off, but too young to figure out how to remove the Grippers.  These little shoes are all over the house, my little life savers.

People, laundry is not my strong point.  Clean unfolded clothes waste their freshest un-wrinkled time piled on the guest bed.  And socks, don’t get me started on socks!  Kids socks are so very very tiny! Having Grippers as a backup, I can keep just enough socks clean and found that we rarely appear in public undone.

And and and… you can throw them in the washing machine! The WASHING MACHINE!  Brilliant!  So, grab yourself a pair!



Welcome, ScrapbookSteals.com!

Friday, July 10th, 2009

By now ihearttag150you have probably noticed the new member of the BabySteals.com family! Yes, long before BabySteals.com even started we planned www.ScrapbookSteals.com! It just felt natural to ‘start with a baby’ and grow from there- so BabySteals was first.

At ScrapbookSteals, you’ll find one hot scrapbooking product at 9am MST every day at 50-80% off until it sells out- just like here! You’ll find inspiration and plenty of fun things even if you’re not a frequent scrapbooker. And if you are, watch out! New obsession!

You’ll also find the same level of fanatical customer service and crazy fast shipping times that you’ve always received from BabySteals.com. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

So check it out, and very soon you’ll see yet another member of our Steal Network family. We’re tried to keep it a secret but the secret’s out. Stay tuned for the date that we open the e-doors of, (drum roll please……) www.KidSteals.com!
