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September 2009
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Archive for September, 2009

All Baby & Child Expo!

Friday, September 18th, 2009

We just returned from an amazing (and exhausting) 4 day trip to Las Vegas to the All Baby & Child Expo!  We had so much fun meeting with our favorite brands and seeing all of the wonderful baby products at this show. We did just about everything from playing Rock Band on the Ju-Ju-Be Stage (seriously!) to cracking jokes with the wonderful people from HALO. We’d show you lots of fun photos of new product but many haven’t been released yet so we can’t! Here’s just a few photos from the show; excuse the iPhone quality. More are on our Facebook Fan page here!

babysteals ju-ju-be




Little Miss Ellis Makes Her Debut!

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

An extra pair of hands was added to the BabySteals family – Mel delivered a gorgeous, healthy baby girl last night, 9/9/09, at almost 9:00 pm (8:58 pm to be exact)!

Weighing in at 7 lbs 13 oz and 20.5 in long, little Ellis finally decided to make her debut, albeit a week later than planned! Mel did great and is doing awesome. Thanks to all for the good wishes and support! And…we have a lucky winner of the Earth Mama Angel Baby Pregnancy Pampering Kit giveaway!

Steph September 9th, 2009 at 3:00 pm – #9951
“Any of those products would be great.
I’m thinking the little one wants to be born on 9/9/09 at 9:00.”

Good job Steph, you were only 2 minutes off! Check your email, so we can get you pampered ASAP!


Mel’s Labor Day of Love!

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Hi BabyStealers! It’s Mel, the babystealin’ number cruncher extraordinaire (AKA accountant)!

While everyone else in the world is off making plans for Labor Day weekend, here I sit, as big as a house, wondering when I will actually begin labor – for real! I am officially two days past my due date….my little one can’t cook in there forever, right?

pregnancy-pamering-kit_1While I sit here, I can’t help but wonder if anyone else out there is feeling as big, stretched, swollen, and tired as I do…there has to be! This is a baby website after all! Yeah, Labor Day is around the corner alright, and so is my labor of love. :) So I’m declaring a celebration of my Labor Day with an awesome giveaway that I only wish I could have had through my pregnancy;

Earth Mama Angel Baby’s Amazing Pregnancy Pampering Kit!

Since I am about to pop at any moment,

  1. visit www.earthmamaangelbaby.com
  2. comment what ache or pain bugged you the most during pregnancy
  3. AND what Earth Mama Angel Baby pampering would have helped!

The person who posts at the closest date and time my baby girl is born will win the giveaway! Hopefully it’s sooner rather than later!


We Have a Winner!

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

The lucky Knit Floral Bloomer and coordinating 3-Flower Tee giveaway from RuffleButts winner is…


Thanks for the entries everyone. Stay tuned for another contest soon!

