Win a $600 Drawer Full of BabyLegs!


Oh, the places your BabyLegs will go! Just read the stories from Steal Network peeps below!  They travel in purses, in diaper bags, and with kiddies to school.  They go to dance class, to bed, — they’re really that cool! “I confess” says Jana, “This is my, I mean Jane’s, BabyLegs drawer.” You can’t ever have enough, there’s always room for more!

Jana loves them so much, check out Jane’s drawer full of 50+ pair of BabyLegs:


Jane's super cute, overloaded, color-coordinated BabyLegs drawer

“I keep 2 pairs in my diaper bag at all time. I have one for each kid. My favorite thing is using them in place of a jacket on chilly mornings. So much easier to carry around a pair of babylegs or 2 than a jacket for each kid once the sun comes out. ~Em J

“This is random, but I kept my cell phone in a BabyLeg for a really long time in my purse.” ~Gemma

Cade has very extreme eczema.  For months we have been wrapping his legs in special medical wrap so he can’t scratch and get an infection. Supplies are hard to find and it costs about $10 a leg three times a week. Ugh!  So I slathered him in aquaphor and threw two BabyLegs on each leg, shoved him in his pjs and prayed for the best. It freaking worked! He loved that it wasn’t “scary” bandages and we are now saving a fortune.” ~Emily M.

Since Mason’s pants always end up hiking up past his ankle once he’s in his carseat, I use a little BabyLegs love and poof! that gap of naked skin is protected from the cold! “ ~Kerianne

“My girls (8 and 10) love to wear them to school as leg and arm warmers. Tiana used them to spice up her 80′s outfit for school. Ari hates pants and claims BabyLegs let her wear skirts and dresses all winter without freezing.” ~Rett

Ellis has also been a slow grower so they allowed her to wear her summer clothes into the fall and keep her little leggies warm. We also go to a mommy me dance class and she wears them with her dance outfits :-)~Melanie

It’s pretty obvious we LOVE BabyLegs around here! Are you a little envious of Jane’s BabyLegs drawer? You could win one too! Enter to win a $600.00 BabyLegs Gift Certificate to stock up your drawer (good for 50 pairs of warmers or any BabyLegs product).

Contest is now closed, click here to read the BabyLegs stories!

Contest ends Monday, December 6 at midnight. Winner announced upon notification. Gift certificate expires and must be redeemed by 12-31-10.

View Comments to “Win a $600 Drawer Full of BabyLegs!”

Coffeekitten04 December 4th, 2010 at 2:13 am - #33667

Did not mean to enter twice, the first time I put in my story, I forgot to put my name and email. Please don’t delete the second entry with my name and email! I would LOVE to have a collection for my daughters like Jana/I mean Jane has!

the number 1167 was the mistake, 1168 is correct! :)

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