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July 2010
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Archive for July, 2010

SoS! We’ll Save You!

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Hey Steals fans!

Do you have trouble sleeping at night because you’re thinking about tomorrow’s steal?

Do you anxiously refresh our page at 9 am?

Do your friends and family know not to contact you during that time?

Do you have a special budget set aside each month just for BabySteals, Kidsteals and/or ScrapbookSteals?

Does your postman know your name due to the large volume of steals that you receive?

Do you seek out steals at the expense of your well-being?

Has your husband threatened to kick you out of the house because of your Steals addiction?

Have you threatened to kick him out of the house to make room for more Steals?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a
Steals Addict

Steals addicts need to join Society of Stealers (SoS), a group of women banded together by one commonality…stealing. SoS is here to help you! Ladies, this is therapy! A place to get an extra Steals fix once a month and connect with a support group of other addicts–friends you can turn to for support when your husband is going to kick you out of the house.

There’s no high like a Steals high when you just scored the most amazing steal! This will help get you by until you can get that again. SoS will support you!

Connect with BS/KS/SS staff and fellow Steals kleptos for monthly chats, local activities, surprises and whole lot of fun!

BabySteals, KidSteals and ScrapbookSteals addicts
What: Live chat
When: Tonight! July 29 at 7:30 pm MST.
Where: Ustream (set up your account at www.ustream.com)

Why: Because we love our fans! ♥  And everyone needs a little therapy session.

~See you there!~

Steal Network does not guarantee being a part of the Society of Stealers will relieve your addiction. In fact, we’re pretty sure it will only make you love us more.


60,000 Facebook Fans Surprise Steal!

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

We just hit 60,000 Facebook fans!

Thank you all for welcoming your friends into the BabySteals family!

Just for fun, we’re celebrating with flowers–of the Petunia kind….HURRY!
Do not waste a moment. We have just a precious few Petunia Pickle Bottom lovelies left!

Click here to grab yours quick!


TGIF Surprise Steal!

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Quick sell-outs are always come as a surprise to us, and today’s fast sell out – we’re so close to another awesome milestone – our Facebook Fan Page has ALMOST 60,000 of you – and the fact it’s FRIDAY (TGIF!) equal the perfect storm for one awesome Surprise Steal! We have a lot of moms out there with ERGObaby carriers, and we want to complete your handsfree system! Steal your coordinating Ergo Front Pouch here!


ScrapbookSteals.com’s Birthday Contest Winner!

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Drumroll please……

The lucky winner is Tara Burke!

Check your email lucky lady, we need to know where to send the prize.
Stay tuned for another great BabySteals.com contest soon!

*since y’all keep breaking our commenting system by overloading it (THANK YOU for the ♥love!) we picked this winner by date and time of comment.
