SoS Stealing from the Archive!


Steal NetworkSoS! Have you been stalking the BabySteals or KidSteals archive, just wishing you could see something in person? Have you been dreaming of stealing those products, but just aren’t sure without seeing it? Do you simply wish you could ask a few questions?

Well now you can! No, we’re not flying you out to the Steals Boutique in Salt Lake City (though we’d love to see you).

Join our chat tomorrow Tuesday, February 1 in the afternoon for the next best thing. We will be taking you through the boutique where we have one of every item for sale in the archive. Come with specific product questions or just come chat with us and see some cool products.

Watch our Facebook and Twitter page for an exact time. Can’t wait to see you!

View Comments to “SoS Stealing from the Archive!”

Mariecleroux February 1st, 2011 at 12:41 am - #33846

Salt lake city resident, you are soooo lucky!!! I’m so far away…

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