See Your Baby on!


Check out the adorable fan photos on the page today!

Would you love to see your little one modeling the steal of the day on Here’s what you do:

  • Anytime you buy a steal, a photo of your baby wearing or using it to ! We may use the photo of your precious baby in the fan photo section if we feature that product again!
  • Use the name of the product in the subject line or somewhere in the email so we can easily search for your photo. Believe us, we look at (and love) every one!
  • Note the age of your child, the BabySteal they are modeling, and the size they are wearing (if applicable).

You just might be contacted to have YOUR baby be on the homepage of BabySteals in the fan photo section! Keep those photos coming moms!


Legal mumbo jumbo worth mentioning:
By sending us the photo, you understand the following:

  • You are the parent or legal guardian of the baby/child in the photograph.
  • You release the rights of this photograph and grant us permission to publish this photograph in one form or another on The image may be cropped, merged with additional like images, altered or modified to fit within the scope of the website.
  • If any of the above are not understood, please email us back immediately to revoke the photograph!

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