100,000 Facebook Fan Surprise Steal


HOORAY! We are so beyond excited to have 100,000 Facebook fans!

Thank you all for sharing our Facebook page and a warm welcome to our new fans. We want to do our *big celebration* justice, so look for something exciting at 8am MST Monday, February 21 on our blog. We couldn’t wait to roll out some surprises though—let’s get the party started with two amazing Surprise Steals! The hardest part is deciding which to check out first!

~ Ju-Ju-Be BeSet Surprise Steal! ~
{click here}

~ Livie & Luca Boots Surprise Steal! ~
{click here}

After you get your stealing in, come join us in the KidCrawl community for a live chat! Remember to come back to the blog at 8am MST Monday, February 21 for more excitement.

View Comments to “100,000 Facebook Fan Surprise Steal”

Gina February 21st, 2011 at 3:24 am - #33984

I missed it again! :(

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