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July 2011
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Introducing Mom Tip Monday

You are an expert. You’re a mom and you know your stuff. We know you already post your toughest parenting questions on our Facebook wall — now we are introducing Mom Tip Monday where each week we will give you the chance to share your expertise with all the other mommies in our community. Here’s your opportunity to really dole out your advice on tough problems you face as a mom like:

  • How can I get a good night’s sleep now that I’m in my third trimester?
  • What are the pro’s and con’s for using cloth diapers?
  • How do I deal with acid reflux?
  • What kinds of solid foods can I feed a 6-month-old?
  • How do I find time for myself?
  • When is this baby weight ever going to come off?
  • How do I get my toddler to give up the binky?

What parenting questions would you like answered indepth from our BabySteals community of experts?

Have a mom tip? We’d love to hear from you! Click here to enter a submission.


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View Comments to “Introducing Mom Tip Monday”

  1. Hil says:

    Ok, I have several: 
    How to deal with a picky eater? (including toddlers)
    Sleeping issues (baby waking up during the night, when to put baby in their own room, crying, etc)
    Teething tips
    When my baby is sick I….? 
    Nursing tips
    Diaper rash (triple paste is expensive but I promise it will work!!!)

    Hmmmm, ask me again in a few months! Cool idea, I’m looking forward to these posts! :)  

  2. Bree Flowers says:

    Instead of entering random tips and hoping that a corresponding question gets asked, why not have a question every week, give people a few days to reply, and then babysteals will hand pick and publish the best answers? My business school’s alumni magazine does case study things like this every month and that’s what they do.

  3. Mat2nice says:

    I know won’t sound very appealing but I always find myself out and about with out a first aid kit but whenever my son gets a boo boo scrap of any sort I lick my finger and wet the cut then blow on it it’s like instant reliever lol at least for my son he is always doing it for others now and he is 21 months :)

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